%META:TOPICPARENT{name="ErrorMessagesU"}% = Error Message: {{{User does not have permission to use one of the flags given. (-34000)}}} = "{{{User does not have permission to use one of the flags given. (-34000)}}}" is a permissions error that may occur when users attempt to query Ingres databases. Typically, this error indicates that the Multi-Tier server-side components (Request Broker and Database Agent) are not running as the Ingres owning user. To resolve this problem, take the following action: # Log in to the machine that contains your Multi-Tier server components. # Type '{{{bash}}}' or '{{{sh}}}' to open a Bash or Bourne shell. # Navigate to the main directory of your Multi-Tier installation. # Execute the following commands: {{{ . ./openlink.sh oplrqb -fy }}} # Use {{{chmod}}} to enable your Ingres user to run {{{oplrqb}}}. # Use {{{chmod}}} to enable your Ingres user to read {{{oplrqb.ini}}}. # Use {{{chmod}}} to enable your Ingres user to write to {{{oplrqb.log}}}. # Run this command: {{{ cd .. }}} # Use {{{chmod}}} to enable your Ingres user to execute {{{openlink.sh}}}. # {{{su}}} to your Ingres user. # Set the Ingres user's environment, typically with {{{ . ./.profile }}} # Navigate to the root of your Multi-Tier installation, and execute these commands: {{{ . ./openlink.sh oplrqb +debug }}} # Test. # After all is confirmed to be working, ctrl-C to terminate the DEBUG mode Broker, and then restart as usual. == Evidence == * Database Agent Version String * DBMS Version * Request Broker Log