Error Message: User does not have permission to use one of the flags given. (-34000)

"User does not have permission to use one of the flags given. (-34000)" is a permissions error that may occur when users attempt to query Ingres databases. Typically, this error indicates that the Multi-Tier server-side components (Request Broker and Database Agent) are not running as the Ingres owning user.

To resolve this problem, take the following action:

  1. Log in to the machine that contains your Multi-Tier server components.
  2. Type 'bash' or 'sh' to open a Bash or Bourne shell.
  3. Navigate to the main directory of your Multi-Tier installation.
  4. Execute the following commands:

    . ./ oplrqb -fy

  5. Use chmod to enable your Ingres user to run oplrqb.
  6. Use chmod to enable your Ingres user to read oplrqb.ini.
  7. Use chmod to enable your Ingres user to write to oplrqb.log.
  8. Run this command:

    cd ..

  9. Use chmod to enable your Ingres user to execute
  10. su to your Ingres user.
  11. Set the Ingres user's environment, typically with

    . ./.profile

  12. Navigate to the root of your Multi-Tier installation, and execute these commands:

    . ./ oplrqb +debug

  13. Test.
  14. After all is confirmed to be working, ctrl-C to terminate the DEBUG mode Broker, and then restart as usual.
