Error Messages (U)

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z #

Unable to use port 60001 for the UDP protocol

If you receive "unable to use port 60001 for the UDP protocol" messages, take the following action:

1. Use ps -ef (Unix) or the Task Manager (Windows) to search for another Request Broker instance (oplrqb). You cannot operate two Request Broker instances on one machine.

2. Run netstat -a. Check the state of port #60001. Determine if another service is using UDP port #60001.

3. Insure that your client and server are UDP enabled.

4. If you are UDP enabled, insure that there are no port restrictions on 60001.

5. If you are using a 64Bit client, download and test a 32Bit client. This error is associated with 64Bit components.