%META:TOPICPARENT{name="ErrorMessagesU"}% = Error Message: "{{{Unable to open a Request Broker license (License not found)}}}," or simply "{{{License not found}}}" = This error is most commonly seen when user do not set the standard OpenLink environment properly (e.g., by running the openlink.sh or openlink.csh script), and/or do not start the OpenLink License Manager before starting the licensed product (e.g., Multi-Tier Request Broker, any Single-Tier client driver, Virtuoso server instance). It is also possible that the license file (e.g., {{{oplrqb.lic}}}, {{{sql_lt.lic}}}) has been placed in a directory which is not included within {{{OPL_LICENSE_DIR}}} if set, or within {{{PATH}}} if {{{OPL_LICENSE_DIR}}} is not set. Please [[http://support.openlinksw.com/supportweb/ApplyingLicenseFiles|refer to the instructions relevant to your license host]] to ensure that the license file has been properly applied.