Troubleshooting UDA Licensing: Existing license key does not work

Take the following action to resolve licensing problems:

  1. If you are using Release 6.0 or later, you must shut down the OpenLink License Manager before you do anything with an OpenLink license file. This service resides on the same machine as Lite or Express Edition (Single-Tier) client drivers, or Enterprise Edition (Multi-Tier) server components (i.e., the Request Broker and Database Agents).
  2. Remove any extraneous license files from the machine.
  3. Move the new license file into the appropriate directory. Use binary-preserving methods for any machine-to-machine transfers.
  4. Ensure that the OpenLink's Windows and Unix license directories are included in the PATH environment variable. Ensure that Unix license directories are included in an OPL_LICENSE_DIR variable.
  5. Restart the OpenLink License Manager, if you are a 6.0 or newer user.
  6. Test.

If problems persist, examine these possibilities:

  1. You may need to reboot your computer. This is especially likely if you are using Release 6.0 or later and you moved license files around while the License Manager was still running.
  2. Your license file may not match your OpenLink driver version. Product Support staff can check this for you.
  3. Your license file may not be sufficient for the number of logical processors in your machine. You must be licensed for all logical processors (which may exceed physical processor cores).
  4. If you have older Windows drivers, especially Single-Tier drivers (Express or Lite Edition), you may need to wipe your Registry of references to the license file. Then, uninstall and reinstall the product. This is an exceedingly rare situation, and is only mentioned for the sake of completeness. Do not proceed with such an undertaking without prompting from Product Support.

See Also: CPU Detection Help