%META:TOPICPARENT{name="TroubleshootingUDAUsingEvidence"}% ===udbc.ini Files=== Here are the operative portions of OpenLink's udbc.ini file: {{{ [UDBC] ;DebugFile= /tmp/udbc.out [Communications] ReceiveTimeout = 120 BrokerTimeout = 30; RetryTimeout = 5 SendSize= 4096 ReceiveSize = 16000 ShowErrors= Y DataEncryption = N [dsn_oracle] Description = Sample Oracle DSN Host = ServerType = Oracle 8.1.x FetchBufferSize = 60 Database = ORCL ServerOptions = ConnectOptions = Options = UserName = scott Password = tiger ReadOnly = yes }}} Here is a description of important parameters that appear within udbc.ini: * **UDBC** The UDBC section contains the {{{DebugFile}}} parameter. The {{{DebugFile}}} parameter controls UDBC driver tracing. You must remove the semicolon from {{{DebugFile}}} to instantiate tracing. You must also pass the full path to a file to which output may be written. You must place a semicolon in front of {{{DebugFile}}} to stop debug output. In fact, you should normally comment {{{DebugFile}}}. This prevents generation of enormous files that impact performance and consume disk space. * **Communications** The Communications section contains timeout and other sections that affect the UDBC connection. Refer to the Communications FAQ for additional information. * **DSN** The individual {{{[dsn]}}} sections pass the connection parameters that enable the driver to connect to the target database. Here is a description of each of the parameters: | {{{[dsn]}}} |Encloses the name of the Data Source.| |{{{Description}}} |Passes a description of the use or nature of the Data Source.| | {{{Host}}} |Passes the IP address or hostname of the machine, which contains the OpenLink Request Broker.| |{{{ServerType}}} |Passes a valid domain alias from the [Domain Aliases] section of the OpenLink server components' oplrqb.ini file.| |{{{FetchBufferSize}}} |Passes an integer, which represents the number of rows to return during one fetch operation.| |{{{Database}}} |Passes a database name or Oracle SID.| |{{{ServerOptions}}} |Passes database startup parameters. ServerOptions should only be used to resolve issues raised in support cases.| |{{{ConnectOptions}}} |Deprecated in favor of Options.| |{{{Options}}} |Passes specialized database connection parameters. Primarily used with Progress socket options and 3-Tier DSN's.| |{{{UserName}}} |Passes a valid database username.| |{{{Password}}} |Passes a valid database password.| |{{{ReadOnly}}} |Enables or disables read-only access to the database.| **Note:** Insure that no spaces precede the DSN name or its individual parameters. Spaces preceding DSN names or parameters are associated with connectivity problems.