%META:TOPICPARENT{name="ErrorMessagesS"}% = Error Message: {{{Software Compromised}}} = The "{{{Software Compromised}}}" error message comes from our License Manager, {{{oplmgr}}}. This binary executable evaluates and monitors the terms of our license files, both locally and over the network. It must be able to communicate over the network, and the binary must not be altered during or after installation. In some environments, including recent versions of Mac OS X, the host OS may want to digitally "sign" the binary when confirming that it should be allowed to communicate over the network -- to get a pass through the software firewall. This signing process alters the license manager binary -- which then reports that it has been tampered with, ceases to evaluate licenses, and blocks all use of our licensed components. If your copy of the License Manager binary has been signed or otherwise modified, you can reinstall to restore functionality. If it has not been signed or otherwise modified, we may need to inspect the binary in its current state. [[http://support.openlinksw.com/support/online-support.vsp| Please open a Support Case]], archive the binary (tar+gzip, zip, rar, or similar), and submit the archive by email as evidence for that case.