%META:TOPICPARENT{name="SingleTierLitePreInstallDocs"}% = Pre-Installation Requirements for Single-Tier "Lite" Edition ODBC Drivers, for Windows = * [[PreinstallDB2LiteWin32|for ODBC connections to DB2]] * [[PreinstallInformixLiteWin32|for ODBC connections to Informix]] * [[PreinstallIngresLiteWin32|for ODBC connections to Ingres]] * [[PreinstallODBCJDBCLiteWin32|for ODBC connections to JDBC Drivers and Data Sources]] * [[PreinstallSQLLiteWin32|for ODBC connections to Microsoft SQL Server]] * [[PreinstallMySQLLiteWin32|for ODBC connections to MySQL]] * [[PreinstallODBCLiteWin32|for ODBC connections to ODBC Drivers and Data Sources]] * [[PreinstallOracleLiteWin32|for ODBC connections to Oracle]] * [[PreinstallPostgreSQLLiteWin32|for ODBC connections to PostgreSQL]] * [[PreinstallProgressLiteWin32|for ODBC connections to Progress (SQL-89 or SQL-92) or OpenEdge (SQL-92)]] * [[PreinstallSybaseLiteWin32|for ODBC connections to Sybase]]