Set Isolation Levels

You may use OpenLink's +initsql parameter to change your database isolation level. The following instructions will assist you with this task:

1. Insure that your database supports the operation which you want to implement. Verify the syntax which that database will accept.

2. Create a file in the /bin sub-directory of your OpenLink server components installation. This file should contain only the isolation level syntax. For example:


3. Open the oplrqb.ini file which resides within the same /bin sub-directory.

4. Locate the [generic_XXXXX] section which corresponds to the database agent which you use. For example:

Program     = inf7_mv.exe
Environment = INFORMIX7
OpsysLogin  = Yes
ReUse       = always
;Directory 	= c:\temp
;ConnectOptions =
;ReadOnly	=
;CommandLine =

5. Locate the "CommandLine" parameter, and pass the file which you have created. For example:

CommandLine = +initsql yourisolationfile 

6. Remove any semicolon (;) which may appear in front of CommandLine.

7. Save your changes and exit the oplrqb.ini file.

8. Restart the OpenLink Request Broker by typing the following commands from the same /bin sub-directory:

./oplrqb +loglevel 7 +logfile oplrqb.log 

9. Test.