%META:TOPICPARENT{name="ServerAgentAdministration"}% ==Server Agent Administration== === MySQL === Table: 1. Default Rule Book settings |**Rule Book Section & parameters**|**Default Rule Book Settings**|**Notes**| |[Environment MySQL]||| |;ODBC_CATALOGS=|Y|Uncomment after loading odbccat defs| Agent Section OpSysLogin{{{=}}} Yes; Users are validated against the operating system. The following options can be used in the ConnectOptions field of the rule book (oplrqb.ini) to override client Options settings: * ** -H** Connect to server running on . This defaults to localhost if unspecified * **-P** Contact server on port , which defaults to (3306) is unspecified. * **-T** Disable all ODBC transaction support. The agent will never issue any extra statements for transaction management (commit, rollback, modification of transaction isolation level) This ODBC database agent has been built and verified using MySQL release 3.23.48. ====Data type Mapping from ODBC Data types to MySQL Data types==== This information can be queried by the SQLTypeInfo catalog call. Table: 2. Default Rule Book settings |**SQL type** |** MySQL type**| |SQL_CHAR| char| |SQL_VARCHAR | varchar| |SQL_LONGVARCHAR| text| |SQL_DECIMAL | decimal| |SQL_NUMERIC | decimal| |SQL_BIT | not supported| |SQL_TINYINT| tinyint| |SQL_SMALLINT| smallint| |SQL_INTEGER | integer| |SQL_BIGINT | bigint| |SQL_REAL | real| |SQL_DOUBLE | double| |SQL_FLOAT | double| |SQL_BINARY | tinyblob| |SQL_VARBINARY | tinyblob| |SQL_LONGVARBINARY | longblob| |SQL_DATE |date| |SQL_TIME |time| |SQL_TIMESTAMP | timestamp| ====Data type Mapping from MySQL Data types to ODBC Data types==== This information can be queried by the SQLColumns catalog call. Table: 3. Default Rule Book settings |MySQL type |SQL type Precision| |bigint |SQL_BIGINT 19| |blob |SQL_VARBINARY 2^16-1| |char(n) |SQL_CHAR n| |date |SQL_CHAR 32| |datetime |SQL_CHAR 32| |decimal(p,s) |SQL_DECIMAL p| |double |SQL_DOUBLE 15| |enum |SQL_VARCHAR 255| |float |SQL_REAL 7| |int |SQL_INTEGER 10| |longblob | SQL_LONGVARBINARY 2^32-1| |longtext |SQL_LONGVARCHAR 2^32-1| |mediumblob |SQL_VARBINARY 2^24-1| |mediumint |SQL_INTEGER 8| |mediumtext |SQL_LONGVARCHAR 2^24-1| |set |SQL_VARCHAR 255| |smallint |SQL_SMALLINT 5| |text |SQL_LONGVARCHAR 2^16-1| |time |SQL_VARCHAR 32| |timestamp(n) |SQL_VARCHAR n| |tinyblob |SQL_VARBINARY 255| |tinyint |SQL_TINYINT 3| |tinytext |SQL_VARCHAR 255| |varchar(n) |SQL_VARCHAR n| |varchar(n) binary |SQL_VARCHAR n| |year |SQL_VARCHAR 4|