
Parameter Default Comment
StartupBy .* Users who can startup oplrqb
ShutdownBy .* Users who can shutdown oplrqb
ShutdownFrom localhost.*,127\.0\.0\.1 Hostnames that can shutdown
ValidUidRange 0, 50000 Valid range for OpSysLogin
TraceRulebook Write merged rulebook (debug) Example: /tmp/debug.book
IncludeRulebook Name of file in current directory holding additional rulebook sections. (Example: generic.book). There may be more than one occurance of IncludeRulebook so multiple books can be included. The sections specified in the included files cannot overrule the sections contained in the main broker rulebook. Only unique sections are included.

The StartupBy, ShutdownBy and ShutdownFrom parameters use full Regular Expressions. Separate multiple expressions with a comma.

Table: 1. Regular Expression Examples

Expression Interpretation Comment
.* Any character, any number of times Any user or location.
localhost.* localhost followed by zero or more characters Will match: localhost, localhost2, localhost.company.com
127\.0\.0\.1 exact IP Current machine when HostNameResolver


.*\.company\.com Any text before .company.com Used to match any sub domain of company.com. For example: sales.company.com, john.company.com