A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z #
If you receive "'Program' not defined" errors, take the following action:
cd into the /bin sub-directory of your
2. Execute an ls or dir.
Take note of the files which end in sv, sv.exe, mv, or mv.exe.
These files are
Use a text editor to open the oplrqb.ini file.
This file resides in the same /bin sub-directory.
Locate the section which is referenced by the error.
(This section corresponds to your
[generic_sql7] Name = generic_sql7 Program = Environment = SQLSERVER7 ReUse = Never OpsysLogin = No Description =
Pass the name of your Database Agent to the Program parameter.
For instance:
Program = sql6_mv.exe
Save your changes and exit the file.
Restart or reinitialize your
7. Test.
Be advised.
judbc = special JDBC agent ora81 = Oracle 8 pro = Progress sql6 = SQL Server sybc = Sybase (CT Lib)
If you cannot identify the appropriate Database Agent, contact
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