%META:TOPICPARENT{name="SingleTierLitePreinstallUnix"}% = Pre-Installation Requirements for the Single-Tier "Lite" Edition ODBC Driver for IBM DB2, for Unix-like OS = %RED%There are no Unix-based Lite drivers for DB2 at this time%ENDCOLOR% %TOC% == DBMS Requirements == You need to know a variety of information pertaining to your target DB2 instance and database: * [[HowDoIIdentifyDB2DatabaseNames|Database Name]] * [[HowDoIIdentifyTheDB2InstanceName|DB2 Instance Name]] * [[HowDoIIdentifyTheDB2ListeningPort|TCP Port Number]] * Database Server Hostname or IP Address == Software Requirements == * You need to obtain the DB2 native client and install it on the same machine as OpenLink's Lite driver. You must ensure that this client connects to DB2. * The DB2 native client ships with the DBMS install media. It may also be downloaded from the IBM Software Mall. == Configuration Requirements == * You need to configure a local [[ConfigureDB2DBAliasonUnix|DB2 database alias]]. == Next... == [[InstallDB2LiteUnix|Proceed to Installation & Configuration]].