Error Messages (O)

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z #

Oracle Not Available

The "Oracle not available" error message is associated with two, common problems. First, the SID which you requested in your Data Source may be invalid or unavailable. Please ensure that you have properly spelled the name of the SID, and insure that the Oracle server is running. Second, you may need to give ownership of your OpenLink Single-Tier driver installation or Multi-Tier server components installation to the local Oracle user who runs sqlplus.

Finally, Multi-Tier users need to take additional steps to eradicate this error. Please do the following --

1. Set ORACLE_HOME and ORACLE_SID in the relevant [Environment ORACLE] section of your server's Session Rules Book. To set these variables, take the following action:

a) Use a text editor to open the oplrqb.ini file. You will find this file in the /bin sub-directory of your OpenLink server components installation.

b) Locate the [Environment ORACLE] section which corresponds to your OpenLink database agent. For example:

[Environment ORACLE80]
ORACLE_HOME = /dbs/oracle80
;ODBC_CATALOGS = Y ; Uncomment after loading odbccat8.sql
;MULTIPLEX_LDA = 5 ; Allow 5 OpenLink clients on a single lda
;OPL_USR_TBLS_FIRST = Y ; Sort SQLTables starting with user tables

c) Set ORACLE_HOME and ORACLE_SID. Make sure that no semicolons (;) appear in front of these variables. For example:

ORACLE_HOME = /usr/oracle/app/product/8.0.4

d) Save your changes and exit the file.

e) Restart or reinitialize your Request Broker.

f) Test.

2. Restart the Request Broker after ownership has been changed to the Oracle user and the Oracle user's .profile has been set.

If the problem persists --

If the problem persits or is accompanied by the following errors, you likely have an Oracle permissions issue --

Check permissions on your $ORACLE_HOME/bin/oracle file. You may need to set the sticky bit.

First, run an ls -l $ORACLE_HOME/bin/oracle. It should look like this --

openlink> ls -l /$ORACLE_HOME/bin/oracle
-rwsr-s--x 1 oracle dba 33692568 Aug 18 2009 oracle

If it does not, use the chmod command to alter the permissions like this --

chmod 6751 oracle


Session Rules Book
Request Broker Log