%META:TOPICPARENT{name="ErrorMessagesL"}% = Error Message: {{{Login incorrect}}} or {{{Not associated with a trusted SQL Server connection}}} = These errors are typically received when trying to connect to Microsoft SQL Server. "Login incorrect" indicates a general authentication failure. Verify that the username and password you used to connect are appropriate to the database name you provided in your DSN configuration. "Not associated with a trusted SQL Server connection" indicates that Windows Domain Authentication is in use, and provided credentials were not valid for the target database. == Options toward resolution == * Users of Release 5.x and later drivers should [[http://uda.openlinksw.com/|update their components]] update their components to the latest patch version covered by their existing license, or upgrade to currently shipping components for their environment, and verify their SQL Server credentials. If Domain Authentication is in use, the username must be provided in the typical {{{[DOMAIN]\[username]}}} format. * Users of Release 4.x and earlier should upgrade to currently shipping components for their environment. * Users of any Release may use SQL Server authentication, instead of Windows Domain Authentication == Evidence == * ODBC Trace * ODBC Client Trace