System 126 and other "missing file" errors

Messages like "The program can't start because LIBEAY32.dll is missing from your computer. Try reinstalling the program to fix this problem." sometimes including "System error 126" may be experienced in Windows environments due to missing run-time libraries. Commonly missing libraries are MSVCP70.DLL, MSVCR70.DLL, LIBEAY32.DLL, and SSLEAY32.DLL.

All of these DLLs are installed automatically by our Release 5.2 and later, in a directory like these, depending on Installer vintage and specific DLL --

These DLLs are also common redistributables, which can be downloaded from many websites, including --

Opening the driver DLL with Microsoft's freely available Dependency Walker will reveal any apparently missing dependencies, including but not limited to these.

The first step in troubleshooting is to check whether the reportedly missing files do exist on your Windows machine, and if so, whether their containing directories are included in the active PATH environment variable, and that they are readable and/or executable by the active user.

Successful installation on recent versions of Windows may require that you right-click the MSI, and selecting "Run As Administrator" -- as this allows different and correct permissions to be set on all files we install.