This Provider connects ADO.NET client applications to our Multi-Tier server components (Request Broker and target-specific Database Agents).
"Host=<Hostname>[:<portnumber>][;Port=<portnumber>] [;{Server Type|ServerType|SVT}=<ServerType>] [;{Initial Catalog|DATABASE}=<schema>] [;{User ID|UID}=<uid>][;{Password|PWD}=<pwd>] [;{Connect Timeout|Connection Timeout}=<seconds>] [;Persist Security Info=<boolean>] [;Connection Lifetime=<seconds>] [;Min Pool Size=<connections>] [;Max Pool Size=<connections>] [;Pooling=<boolean>][;Charset=<codepage>] [;{Read Only|ReadOnly}=<boolean>] [;{Fetch Buffer Size|FBS|FetchBufferSize}=<rows>] [;{Defer Long Fetch|DLF|DeferLongFetch}=<boolean>] [;Encrypted=<boolean>] [;Options=<as in ODBC connect string>] [;UNICODE=<boolean>] [;APPLICATION=""];" [;MaxRows=<integer>];" [;SVAST=<boolean>];" [;NoRowSetSizeLimit=<boolean>];"
Keyword | Description | Default Value |
User ID or UID | Database username. | "" |
Password or PWD | Database password. | "" |
Initial Catalog or DATABASE | Takes a database or schema name, or an Oracle SID. | "" |
Connect Timeout or Connection Timeout | 15 | |
Persist Security Info | False | |
Connection Lifetime | 0 | |
Min Pool Size | 0 | |
Max Pool Size | 100 | |
Pooling | True | |
Charset | "" | |
Host | The fully-qualified domain name (FQDN) or IP address of the machine hosting the OpenLink? Request Broker. May include the Port value, using the form <Host>:<Port>, e.g., | localhost |
Port | The TCP port number at which the OpenLink? Request Broker listens. Required if not included in the Host value. | 5000 |
Read Only or | Make the session read-only. Acceptable values are Yes and No. No may be necessary to run stored procedures in some environments. | False |
Fetch Buffer Size or FBS or | Integer value to determine the number of rows to buffer in each fetch. Values range from 1 to 999. | 100 |
Server Type or or SVT | The value must match a [Domain Alias] found in the Server's Rulebook. Default Aliases typically represent the name and version of a Database Agent. That agent version may differ from the DBMS version to which it connects. Advanced users may create custom domain names that follow their own, desired conventions. | "" |
Defer Long Fetch or DLF or | Defers fetching of LONG (BINARY, BLOB, CLOB, etc.) fields unless explicitly requested in a query. This can provides significant performance increases when fields in query do not include LONG data fields. Possible values are YES and NO. | False |
Encrypted | Activates a simple encryption for communications between the Generic Client and the Request Broker. | False |
Options | Passes many connection options including parameters that enable three-tier connections, i.e., connections to DBMS that do not reside on the same machine as the OpenLink? Request Broker and Database Agent. Review Complete Settings and Usage for DBMS-specific Connect Options. | "" |
UNICODE | False | |
APPLICATION | "opldotNET" | |
| Integer value to limit the number of returned rows. | "" |
| Present system views as if they were system tables. Acceptable values are Yes and No . | "No" |
| Set no restriction on result set sizes, permitting Cartesian products, among other possible issues. Acceptable values are Yes and No . | "No" |
"Host=localhost;Port=5000;SVT=Oracle 9.x;DATABASE=ORCL;UID=scott;PWD=tiger;"
"Host=localhost;Port=5000;SVT=SQLServer 2000;DATABASE=Northwind;UID=sa;PWD=;"
"Host=localhost;Port=5000;SVT=Progress 100SQL;OPTIONS=-S pro102b -H -N tcp;DATABASE=iSports;UID=sysprogress;PWD=yourpassword;"