Variable | Default Setting | Description |
CURSOR_SENSITIVITY | LOW | Enables or disables the row version cache used with dynamic cursors. When dynamic cursor sensitivity is set high, the Cursor Library calculates checksums for each row in the current rowset and compares these with the check-sums (if any) already stored in the row version cache for the same rows when fetched previously. If the check-sums differ for a row, the row has been updated since it was last fetched and the row status flag is set to SQL_ROW_UPDATED. The row version cache is then updated with the latest check-sums for the rowset. From the user's point of view, the only visible difference between the two sensitivity settings is that a row status flag can never be set to SQL_ROW_UPDATED when the cursor sensitivity is low. (The row status is instead displayed as SQL_ROW_SUCCESS.) In all other respects, performance aside, the two settings are the same. Deleted rows don't appear in the rowset. Updates to the row since the row was last fetched are reflected in the row data, and inserted rows appear in the rowset, if their keys fall within the span of the rowset. If your application does not need to detect the row status SQL_ROW_UPDATED, you should leave the 'High Cursor Sensitivity' checkbox unchecked, as performance will be impacted. The calculation and comparison of check-sums for each row fetched carries an overhead. If this option is enabled, the table oplrvc must have been created beforehand using the appropriate script for the target database. |
Variable | Default Setting | Description |
DB2DIR | /DB2 | Full path to the base directory for the DB2 installation. Note: DB2 version 5 and below use the environment variable DB2PATH instead. |
DB2INSTANCE | DB2 | Name of the instance you want to connect to. DB2 is the default DB2 instance name. |
Variable | Default Setting | Description |
INFORMIXDIR | /dbs/informix5 | Full path to the base directory for the Informix 5 installation. |
TBCONFIG | tbconfig | Database server configuration file. |
FORCE_ONLINE_DATABASE | 1 | Force mode to (0 ) SE or (1 ) ONLINE. |
Variable | Default Setting | Description |
INFORMIXDIR | /dbs/informix6 | Full path to the base directory for the Informix 6 installation. |
Variable | Default Setting | Description |
INFORMIXDIR | /dbs/informix7 | Full path to the base directory for the Informix 7 installation. |
INFORMIXSERVER | online7 | The name of Informix 7 server that you want the agent to attach to. As long as you have I-Connect or I-Net installed, configured, and up-and-running this value can connect your database agent with remote Informix database servers. |
ONCONFIG | ONCONFIG | Database server configuration file. |
FORCE_ONLINE_DATABASE | 1 | Force mode: 0 for Standard Engine (SE); 1 for ONLINE. |
DELIMIDENT | Y | When set to Y , SQL-92 rules are in effect for quoted identifiers and literals. Literals must be wrapped in single-quotes. Identifiers may be wrapped in double-quotes to get around reserved word and reserved character limitations. When set to N , literals may be wrapped in either double- or single-quotes and identifiers may not be wrapped. |
OPL_INF_MULTISESS | Y | Enables Informix multi-session mode. Y : Each ODBC connection gets its own database session. N : All ODBC connections share a single database connection. |
OPL_SPACEPADCHAR | Y | Character data from a CHAR column is fetched with trailing spaces retained. The column data is padded up to the column width, if actual content is shorter. N : Trailing spaces will be stripped off. |
Variable | Default Setting | Description |
II_DATE_FORMAT | US | Defines the output format for dates as dd-mmm-yyyy . This should not be changed inside the Rule Book since it enables the best compatibility with |
II_SYSTEM | /dbs | Full path to the directory containing the Ingres/ directory, e.g., if your Ingres installation directory is /dbs/Ingres then set this to /dbs . |
ING_SET | set lockmode session where readlock | When the Ingres agent is started, the first thing it does is run this command. The command itself makes sure that a simple SELECT statement does not lock all the rows it selects. |
USE_OWNER | Y or N | Only applicable for Ingres 6.4 databases. If set to Y forces the driver to return the Ingres internal table owner as the schema name for the table, as was necessary for early version of MSQuery. |
Variable | Default Setting | Description |
JET_SQLSTATISTICSOFF | FALSE | If it is set to 'TRUE ', the function SQLStatistics() returns an empty result set. This helps to resolve the problem with the SQLStatistics() output from some JDBC drivers. |
JET_DROPCATALOGFROMDBMETACALLS | FALSE | If it is set to 'TRUE ', the NULL will be assigned to the field 'Catalog ' in the result sets of SQLTables() , SQLColumns() & SQLStatistics() calls. |
JET_DROPSCHEMAFROMDBMETACALLS | FALSE | If it is set to 'TRUE ', the NULL will be assigned to the field 'Schema ' in the result sets of SQLTables() , SQLColumns() & SQLStatistics() calls. |
JET_NOSUPPORTOFQUOTEDIDENTIFIER | FALSE | If it is set to 'TRUE ', the call will return the space (" "). This can be used if DBMS doesn't support quoted identifiers as in SELECT * FROM "account" . |
PATCHNULLSIZEOFSQLCHAR | | If DBMS is returning a field of type SQLCHAR or SQLVARCHAR with zero size, the size will be replaced with the value of PATCHNULLSIZEOFSQLCHAR |
OPL_JVM_OPTS | List of standard java command line arguments to pass to the JVM on initiation of the session |
Variable | Default Setting | Description |
ORACLE_HOME | /dbs/oracle7 | The home directory for the Oracle installation. |
ODBC_CATALOGS | Y | Uncomment after running the "odbccat7.sql " script. |
MULTIPLEX_LDA | 5 | Allow 5 |
OPL_USER_TBLS_FIRST | N | Set to Y to show |
SHOW_REMARKS | N | Set to Y to retrieve SQLColumns REMARKS field. |
Variable | Default Setting | Description |
ORACLE_HOME | /dbs/oracle | The home directory for the Oracle installation. |
ODBC_CATALOGS | Y | Uncomment after loading the "odbccat8.sql " script. |
MULTIPLEX_LDA | 5 | Allow 5 |
OPL_USER_TBLS_FIRST | N | Set to Y to show |
SHOW_REMARKS | N | Set to Y to retrieve SQLColumns REMARKS field. |
OCI_PREFETCH_ROWS | 120 | Sets the number of rows to be prefetched. |
OCI_PREFETCH_MEMORY | 64 | Kb of memory allocated for rows to be prefetched. |
Variable | Default Setting | Description |
DLC | /dbs/dlc | Must be full path to the Progress dlc directory. |
PROCFG | /dbs/dlc/progress.cfg | Must be the full path and filename to the progress.cfg file. This parameter is optional. Use it if the license file can not be found. |
TABLEVIEW | | SQL-89 only. Must be the full path and filename to the table view file (tableview.dat ). See detailed TABLEVIEW document for more information |
TABLEVIEW_QUALIFIER | Y | SQL-89 only. Add owner information to SELECT statements. |
DEADLOCK_TIMEOUT | 60 | Seconds to wait for lock to release. |
INSERT_LOGICAL | Y | SQL-89 only. Rewrite character TRUE/FALSE to logical. |
UPDATE_LOGICAL | Y | SQL-89 only. Rewrite character TRUE/FALSE to logical. |
SPACE_QUOTE_IDENTIFIER | Y | If the SPACE_QUOTE_IDENTIFIER keyword is unset, it defaults to true, i.e., a space is returned as the quote character. To make the driver return an empty string for the quote character, this keyword must be set to N . Most applications work properly with the default behavior (SPACE_QUOTE_IDENTIFIER ). Known exceptions include some versions of Microsoft Visio, the Microsoft SQL Server DTS Wizard, and Business Objects. |
MIN_FIELD_LEN | | SQL-89 only. Minimum length for character fields or expressions. More details. |
MAX_FIELD_LEN | | SQL-89 only. Maximum length for character fields or expressions. More details. |
EXPR_PRECISION | | SQL-89 only. Fixed precision for numeric expressions. |
EXPR_SCALE | | SQL-89 only. Fixed scale for numeric expressions. |
Variable | Default Setting | Description |
FREETDSCONF | /opt/openlink/bin/freetds.conf | Passes the full path to a local freetds.conf file. |
DSQUERY | SQLSERVER | Which section will be loaded from the freetds.conf file. |
TDSHOST | | DNS-resolvable hostname or IP address for the target SQL Server machine |
TDSPORT | 1433 | The TCP/IP port on which your SQL Server listens for incoming connections. |
TDSVER | 7.0 | Sets TDS compatibility. May not match actual SQL Server nor TDS version. See Table #2 for acceptable values. |
Variable | Default Setting | Description |
FREETDSCONF | /home/openlink/bin/freetds.conf | Passes the full path to a local freetds.conf file. |
DSQUERY | SYBASE | Which section will be loaded from the freetds.conf file. |
TDSHOST | | DNS-resolvable hostname or IP address for the target Sybase machine. |
TDSPORT | 4100 | The port on which your Sybase listens for incoming connections. |
TDSVER | 5.0 | Sets TDS compatibility. May not match actual Sybase nor TDS version. See Table #2 for acceptable values. |