%META:TOPICPARENT{name="ErrorMessagesL"}% =License Has Expired= # Log in to the target operating system. # Stop the OpenLink License Manager Service (oplmgr) associated with Release 5.x and 6.x installations. # Search the machine to ensure that all expired license files are removed. # Locate the correct license file and put it in place. # Set OPL_LICENSE_DIR to point to the directory containing the license. # Ensure there are no permissions issues associated with the license. # Restart the OpenLink License Manager. # Restart the Multi-Tier Request Broker service, if applicable. # Restart the HTTP-based iODBC Data Sources Administrator, if applicable. # Restart any/all ODBC client applications, including any which connect through an OLE DB Provider for ODBC or an ADO.NET Provider for ODBC # Test. If the problem persists, have OpenLink Product Support check the integrity of the license.