%META:TOPICPARENT{name="InstallConfigJDBC"}% = Using UDA with Macromedia <nop>ColdFusion MX 7 (Linux) = %TOC% == Required components == You will need to download the following components * Macromedia <nop>ColdFusion MX 7 (Developer Edition) - [[http://www.macromedia.com|download]] * <nop>OpenLink jar file - one of these, appropriate to the selected JDK/JRE/JVM - | **JDK/JRE/JVM** | **<nop>OpenLink JDBC Driver Filename** | **<nop>OpenLink JDBC Driver Classname** | | 1.1 | <code>opljdbc.jar</code> | <code>openlink.jdbc.Driver</code> | | 1.2 or 1.3 | <code>opljdbc2.jar</code> | <code>openlink.jdbc2.Driver</code> | | 1.4 or 1.5 | <code>opljdbc3.jar</code> | <code>openlink.jdbc3.Driver</code> | | 1.6 | <code>opljdbc4.jar</code> | <code>openlink.jdbc4.Driver</code> | | 1.7 | <code>opljdbc4_1.jar</code> | <code>openlink.jdbc4.Driver</code> | | 1.8 | <code>opljdbc4_2.jar</code> | <code>openlink.jdbc4.Driver</code> | //**Note:** You should only have one of the above JDBC Drivers in the {{{CLASSPATH}}} at any time. It is usually best to use the latest driver supported by the active JVM.// == Install Macromedia <nop>ColdFusion MX 7 <nop>(Developer Edition<nop>) == # Execute the downloaded *.bin file - {{{ ./coldfusion-701-lin.bin }}} NOTE: You may need to set the execute permission on the *.bin file before it can be executed. # Accept the license agreement. # When prompted, select <b>Install type</b> -> <b>3 - Developer edition</b> # What kind of installation do you want? <b>1 - Server configuration</b> # Is there already a server configuration of Macromedia <nop>ColdFusion MX 7 installed? <b>2 - No</b> # Sub-component installation choose <b>4 - Continue with installation</b> # Select all default options from this point onwards. # Enter administrator password. # Enable RDS (required for Report Builder and DW Extensions) (Y/N) <b>N</b> # The installation will now complete. NOTE: This may take several minutes. == Start Macromedia <nop>ColdFusion MX 7 (Developer Edition) == # Start Macromedia <nop>ColdFusion MX 7 (Developer Edition) using the command -- {{{ /opt/coldfusionmx7/bin/coldfusion start }}} # Browse to the following url to verify the Administrator application is running -- {{{ http://coldfusion_server:8500/CFIDE/administrator }}} == Install <nop>OpenLink jar files == # Copy the {{{.jar}}} file chosen for your JDK/JVM/JRE into the directory -- {{{ /opt/coldfusionmx7/openlink/jars }}} NOTE: You will need to create this directory if it does not already exist. # Open the Administrator -- {{{ http://coldfusion_server:8500/CFIDE/administrator }}} # Select <b>Server Settings</b> -> <b>Java and JVM</b> # In the <b><nop>ColdFusion Class Path</b> field enter -- {{{ /opt/coldfusionmx7/openlink/jars }}} # Select <b>Submit Changes</b> # You will be prompted to restart the server. # Restart <nop>ColdFusion -- {{{ /opt/coldfusionmx7/bin/coldfusion restart }}} == Configure Data Sources == # Open the Administrator -- {{{ http://coldfusion_server:8500/CFIDE/administrator }}} # Select <b>Server Settings</b> -> <b>Data & Services</b> # Select <b>Data Sources</b> # Enter a name for the Data Source - <b>o32opljdbc1</b> # In the <b>Driver</b> drop down list box select - <b>other</b> # Select <b>Add</b> # Enter the <b>JDBC URL</b> -- {{{ jdbc:openlink:// }}} # Enter the <b>Driver Class</b> -- {{{ openlink.jdbc.Driver }}} # Select <b>Submit</b> # The <b>Datasources</b> page will display showing the new data source. # Select the <b>Verify</b> icon to the left of the datasource name. # If the data source was created successfully then the <b>Status</b> field will display <b>OK</b>. Repeat the above process for each datasource, editing the URLs as appropriate for your environment -- | *Data Source Name* | *Driver Class* | *URL* | | <code>o32opljdbc1</code> | <code>openlink.jdbc.Driver</code> | {{{jdbc:openlink://}}} | | <code>m32opljdbc1</code> | <code>openlink.jdbc.Driver</code> | {{{jdbc:openlink:// 2000/Database=Northwind/options=-H}}} | | <code>o32opljdbc2</code> | <code>openlink.jdbc2.Driver</code> | {{{jdbc:openlink://}}} | | <code>m32opljdbc2</code> | <code>openlink.jdbc2.Driver</code> | {{{jdbc:openlink:// 2000/Database=Northwind/options=-H}}} | | <code>o32opljdbc3</code> | <code>openlink.jdbc3.Driver</code> | {{{jdbc:openlink://}}} | | <code>m32opljdbc3</code> | <code>openlink.jdbc3.Driver</code> | {{{jdbc:openlink:// 2000/Database=Northwind/options=-H}}} | |||| == Prepare the <nop>ColdFusion test page == # Create the following file -- {{{ /opt/coldfusionmx7/wwwroot/opltest.cfm }}} to read -- {{{ <html> <head> <title>Hello World!!</title> </head> <body> <cfquery name = "query_o32opljdbc1" dataSource = "o32opljdbc1" dbtype = "query"> select EmployeeID, FirstName, LastName, Title from Employees </cfquery> <cfquery name = "query_m32opljdbc1" dataSource = "m32opljdbc1" dbtype = "query"> select EmployeeID, FirstName, LastName, Title from Employees </cfquery> <cfquery name = "query_o32opljdbc2" dataSource = "o32opljdbc2" dbtype = "query"> select EmployeeID, FirstName, LastName, Title from Employees </cfquery> <cfquery name = "query_m32opljdbc2" dataSource = "m32opljdbc2" dbtype = "query"> select EmployeeID, FirstName, LastName, Title from Employees </cfquery> <cfquery name = "query_o32opljdbc3" dataSource = "o32opljdbc3" dbtype = "query"> select EmployeeID, FirstName, LastName, Title from Employees </cfquery> <cfquery name = "query_m32opljdbc3" dataSource = "m32opljdbc3" dbtype = "query"> select EmployeeID, FirstName, LastName, Title from Employees </cfquery> <h1>OpenLink - ColdFusion MX 7 test</h1> <h2>Using: o32opljdbc1 - openlink.jdbc.Driver</h2> <table> <cfoutput query="query_o32opljdbc1"> <tr> <td>#EmployeeID#</td> <td>#FirstName#</td> <td>#LastName#</td> <td>#Title#</td> </tr> </cfoutput> </table> <h2>Using: m32opljdbc1 - openlink.jdbc.Driver</h2> <table> <cfoutput query="query_m32opljdbc1"> <tr> <td>#EmployeeID#</td> <td>#FirstName#</td> <td>#LastName#</td> <td>#Title#</td> </tr> </cfoutput> </table> <h2>Using: o32opljdbc2 - openlink.jdb2.Driver</h2> <table> <cfoutput query="query_o32opljdbc2"> <tr> <td>#EmployeeID#</td> <td>#FirstName#</td> <td>#LastName#</td> <td>#Title#</td> </tr> </cfoutput> </table> <h2>Using: m32opljdbc2 - openlink.jdbc2.Driver</h2> <table> <cfoutput query="query_m32opljdbc2"> <tr> <td>#EmployeeID#</td> <td>#FirstName#</td> <td>#LastName#</td> <td>#Title#</td> </tr> </cfoutput> </table> <h2>Using: o32opljdbc3 - openlink.jdbc3.Driver</h2> <table> <cfoutput query="query_o32opljdbc3"> <tr> <td>#EmployeeID#</td> <td>#FirstName#</td> <td>#LastName#</td> <td>#Title#</td> </tr> </cfoutput> </table> <h2>Using: m32opljdbc3 - openlink.jdbc3.Driver</h2> <table> <cfoutput query="query_m32opljdbc3"> <tr> <td>#EmployeeID#</td> <td>#FirstName#</td> <td>#LastName#</td> <td>#Title#</td> </tr> </cfoutput> </table> </body> </html> }}} # View the test page at the following URL -- {{{ http://coldfusion_server:8500/CFIDE/opltest.cfm }}}