Connection URLs for Type 1 JDBC Driver

A Type 1 JDBC Driver connects ("bridges") JDBC client applications to ODBC Data Source Names (DSNs).

Note 1: You should generally have only one of the following in your CLASSPATH environment variable. If you have multiple jars which use the same Classname, only the first found by the JVM (typically the first in your CLASSPATH) will be active. Choose the one best matched to your active JVM.

Note 2: Our pure Type 3 JDBC Drivers, filenames megathin*.jar, cannot be used for Type 1 connections, and must not be included in your active CLASSPATH alongside opljdbc*.jar.

Our Type 1 JDBC Drivers have the following attributes --

Filename Classname
Java 8 1.8.x JDBC 4.2 opljdbc4_2.jar openlink.jdbc4.Driver
Java 7 1.7.x JDBC 4.1 opljdbc4_1.jar openlink.jdbc4.Driver
Java 6 1.6.x JDBC 4 opljdbc4.jar openlink.jdbc4.Driver
Java 4 and 5 1.4.x and 1.5.x JDBC 3 opljdbc3.jar openlink.jdbc3.Driver
Java 2 and 3 1.2.x and 1.3.x JDBC 2 opljdbc2.jar openlink.jdbc2.Driver
Java 1 1.1.x JDBC 1 opljdbc.jar openlink.jdbc.Driver

Type 1 JDBC URL Syntax

Our Type 1 JDBC URL sytax is as follows:


Type 1 JDBC URL Attributes


To connect to an ODBC DSN on your machine named "CustomerDatabase?" in read-only mode, you could use the following JDBC URL:


Important Note

The connect string syntax below uses the proof-of-concept JDBC-to-ODBC bridge which was bundled into Java 1 through 7, and dropped in Java 8.

This syntax should not be used.


See Also