OpenLink? HTML5 WebDB?-to-ODBC Bridge
The OpenLink HTML5 WebDB-to-ODBC Bridge is a Web browser extension that enables the development of database-driven HTML5 (Javascript) applications, without binding to specific back-end database engines for data storage and access.
Why use this bridge?
Initially, the WebDB API component of HTML5 confined data access and storage to SQLite.
A bridge to ODBC extends the functionality of the WebDB API to any ODBC- (or JDBC-, via additional ODBC-to-JDBC bridges) -accessible database.
Such RDBMS engines include OpenLink Virtuoso, Oracle, Microsoft SQL Server, IBM DB2, IBM Informix, Sybase, Ingres, Progress, MySQL, PostgreSQL, Firebird, and many more.
It is important to note, each RDBMS engine has its own features and limitations as a Web-accessible Database.
OpenLink Virtuoso brings several additional benefits:
- Virtual/Federated RDBMS access (Commercial Edition only) -- A single ODBC connection to Virtuoso enables access to, and distributed joins across, all ODBC- or JDBC-accessible data sources.
- Graph Database (NoSQL?, Triple-store, Quad-store) access -- A single ODBC connection to Virtuoso enables SPARQL access to local and/or remote SPARQL-compliant Graph-model-based DBMS engines via SPASQL (SQL and SPARQL hybrid query language).
- Extra security -- Fine-grained policy-based security leverages the WebID protocol across ODBC, ODBC-JDBC Bridge, and SPASQL connections.
Installing the bridge
Installation Requirements and Prerequisites
To use the HTML5 WebDB-to-ODBC Bridge browser extension, you need to first install an ODBC Bridge Internet Plug-in for Windows or Mac OS X.
Once the plug-in is in place, you then install the actual HTML5 WebDB-to-ODBC Bridge extension(s) for your browser(s) of choice.
Of course, you will also need an ODBC driver for your DBMS of choice.
Windows Prerequisite: ODBC Bridge Internet Plug-in
- Download and install the generic ODBC browser plugin for Windows
Note: Safari, Opera, FireFox?, and Chrome are only available as 32-bit applications for Windows.
Thus, even if testing on 64-bit Windows, only 32-bit ODBC Drivers will be visible to the HTML5 WebDB-to-ODBC Bridge in these browsers.
Mac OS X Prerequisite: ODBC Bridge Internet Plug-in
- Safari users: download and install the generic ODBC browser plugin for Safari on Mac OS X
- Opera users: download and install the generic ODBC browser plugin for Opera on Mac OS X
Linux Prerequisite: iODBC Driver Manager
Install the OpenLink iODBC Driver Manger from the Web Site or if your Linux distribution includes the iODBC package it can be installed with a command like apt-get install iodbc or similar depending on distribution.
Where can I get ODBC Drivers?
HTML5 WebDB?-to-ODBC Bridge Extension Installation
Firefox Extension Installation
- Download the ODBC HTML5 Bridge Extension for Firefox and follow the steps for installation.

- Click the "Install Now" button to commence the installation.

- Click the "Restart Firefox" button to complete the installation.
Safari Extension Installation
- Safari extensions are not allowed to directly perform some functions.
To deliver full features of the HTML5 ODBC Bridge to Safari users, some features must be provided through an additional OS extension.
Download and install the appropriate OS-specific ODBC Internet Plugin for Safari, for Windows or Mac OS X.
- Download the ODBC HTML5 Bridge Extension for Safari

- Double click on the Safari Extension (Safari_iODBC.safariextz) to commence the installation.

- Click on the "Install" button to perform the installation.
Opera Extension Installation
- If running on Mac OS X, first download and install the ODBC Internet Plugin for Opera.
- On both Mac and Windows, download the ODBC HTML5 Bridge Extension for Opera.
- Extract the zip contents, and double-click the opera_iodbc.oex found therein.
You should be prompted, as --

- Click Install, and the extension will install.
Google Chrome Installation
- Download the ODBC HTML5 Bridge Extension for Google Chrome and follow the steps for installation

- Click the "Install" button to commence the installation.

- The extension is now installed.
Using the bridge
Simply install an ODBC Driver for your desired target RDBMS, and configure an ODBC DSN.
Then perform any of the following tasks:
API Calls
New General Methods
New Database Catalog Calls
For nsISQLTransactionSync (synchronous transaction execution)
( IN DOMString catalog ,
IN DOMString schema ,
IN DOMString table ,
IN DOMString tableType
( IN DOMString catalog ,
IN DOMString schema ,
IN DOMString table ,
IN DOMString column
( IN DOMString catalog ,
IN DOMString schema ,
IN DOMString table
( IN DOMString pcatalog ,
IN DOMString pschema ,
IN DOMString ptable ,
IN DOMString fcatalog ,
IN DOMString fschema ,
IN DOMString ftable
( IN short dataType
( IN DOMString catalog ,
IN DOMString schema ,
IN DOMString procedure
( IN DOMString catalog ,
IN DOMString schema ,
IN DOMString procedure ,
IN DOMString column
For nsISQLTransaction (asynchronous transaction execution)
( [optional] IN nsISQLStatementCallback callback ,
[optional] IN nsISQLStatementErrorCallback errorCallback
( IN DOMString catalog ,
IN DOMString schema ,
IN DOMString table ,
IN DOMString tableType ,
[optional] IN nsISQLStatementCallback callback ,
[optional] IN nsISQLStatementErrorCallback errorCallback
( IN DOMString catalog ,
IN DOMString schema ,
IN DOMString table ,
IN DOMString column ,
[optional] IN nsISQLStatementCallback callback ,
[optional] IN nsISQLStatementErrorCallback errorCallback
( IN DOMString catalog ,
IN DOMString schema ,
IN DOMString table ,
[optional] IN nsISQLStatementCallback callback ,
[optional] IN nsISQLStatementErrorCallback errorCallback
( IN DOMString pcatalog ,
IN DOMString pschema ,
IN DOMString ptable ,
IN DOMString fcatalog ,
IN DOMString fschema ,
IN DOMString ftable ,
[optional] IN nsISQLStatementCallback callback ,
[optional] IN nsISQLStatementErrorCallback errorCallback
( IN short dataType ,
[optional] IN nsISQLStatementCallback callback ,
[optional] IN nsISQLStatementErrorCallback errorCallback
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