How do I monitor open database sessions associated with Ingres ODBC connections?

Use the following steps to monitor open database sessions associated with Ingres ODBC connections:

1. Login to the machine that contains the Ingres DBMS.
2. su to the Ingres user.
3. Execute the .profile associated with the Ingres user.
4. cd into the bin sub-directory of the Ingres installation.
5. Run this command: ./iinamu
6. Pass this flag to iiname: SHOW
7. Hit enter.
8. Record the port number associated with your Ingres DBMS, e.g., 59543.
9. Pass this flag to iiname: QUIT
10. Run this command: ./iimonitor tcp_port For example: ./iimonitor 59543
11. Pass SHOW ALL SESSIONS to display all DBMS activity.
12. Type HELP to see variants of the SHOW command.