Identify the DB2 Listening Port

Identify the DB2 database listening port on Windows

1. Login to the DB2 DBMS server.

2. Launch the DB2 Control Center.

3. Right-click the target instance.

4. Click Setup Communications.

5. The port number appears in the Properties window.

Identify the DB2 database listening port on Unix

Method 1: /etc/services

1. Login to the machine that hosts the DB2 DBMS.

2. vi the /etc/services file.

vi /etc/services

3. Locate the socket service associated with your target database.

4. Identify the port number associated with the socket service.

Method 2: get instance

1. Login to the machine that hosts the DB2 DBMS.

2. su to your db2 instance owner. For example:

su db2instance1

3. Execute the .profile associated with the db2 instance owner. For example:

. ./.profile

4. cd into the $DB2INSTANCE/sqllib/bin directory.

cd $DB2INSTANCE/sqllib/bin

5. Execute the db2 command.


6. Use the get instance option to get the current instance name.

get instance

7. Use get dbm cfg command to identify the socket service name.

get dbm cfg l grep SVCE    # Example uses an "l" instead of a pipe due to limitations in markup display. 

8. Look for output similar to the following where db2inst64 is the service name:

TCP/IP Service name          (SVCENAME) = db2inst64

9. Use the db2 interface to grep the /etc/services file for the service name listed above. For example:

grep db2inst64 /etc/services

10. Look for output similar to the following:

db2inst64   50012/tcp   # Connection port for DB2 instance instance