%META:TOPICPARENT{name="ConfigTroubleshootPGR"}% ==How do I dump the PostgreSQL error log? %BR%== PostgreSQL has at least three parameters in its postgresql.conf file that control how error logs are cycled. These parameters can also be used on the command line.They are: %BR% %BR% |Parameter|Use| |log_ rotation_ age|Passes the number of minutes after which a new log is to be created. Set to zero to disable.For use with redirect_ stderr.| |log_ rotation_ size|Passes the maximum size of the log file in kilobytes. Once the log file reaches that size, a new log is created. Set to zero to disable. For use with redirect_ stderr. | |log_ truncate_ on_ rotation|Causes PostgreSQL to truncate rather than overwrite logs.| %BR% %BR% You should consult the following PostgreSQL documentation as PostgreSQL log dumping and cycling is fairly sophisticated: %BR% %BR% http://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/static/runtime-config-logging.html %BR% %BR%