XMLA Explorer -- Sample HTML5 Program

The XMLA Explorer is a simple iSQL-like sample HTML5 program which allows connection to any browser accessible XMLA web service endpoint.

Once connected, a list of available data sources is displayed, and users can easily explore the database schema and/or execute queries against them.

You can


  1. Install and Configure the OpenLink HTML5 WebDB-to-XMLA Bridge?.

  2. Make sure you have an XMLA endpoint configured, or configure one now. In the example below, we'll connect to the XMLA endpoint of the publicly-accessible Virtuoso demo instance /XMLA endpoint --
    • host demo.openlinksw.com
    • username vdb
    • password vdb


  1. Load the XMLA Explorer sample program in your web browser.
  2. Choose the default "Local_instance" XMLA data source from the "DSN" drop down list box, enter username and password (if needed), and click the connect button.

  3. Upon successful connection, a list of available DbCatalogs (as in the 3-part identification of database objects -- DbCatalog.Owner.Table) will be listed in the left frame.

  4. Drill down into a DbCatalog (e.g., Demo) to see the Owner(s) (e.g., demo), and Object(s) therein.

  5. Double-click an Object (e.g., Countries) to get a quick and easy look at its
    • Structure

    • Indexes

    • Foreign Keys

    • References (i.e., the Foreign Key inverse)

  6. When you drill into an object, the "Execute SQL" tab will be pre-populated with a SELECT * FROM <object> query.

  7. You can edit this, or just click on the "Run SQL" button to execute.

  8. SPARQL queries can also be executed with clickable anchor links generated for URIs.

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