Generating Server-side Multi-Tier Request Broker Trace Logs (All Platforms)

The following instructions enable you to create a time-stamped, Request Broker Trace:

Command Line Method (requires brief Broker shutdown)

  1. As a user with full read/write/execute permissions on the server-side Multi-Tier installation, get to a command-line prompt on the Multi-Tier Broker host.
  2. Navigate to the /bin sub-directory of the Multi-Tier installation (e.g., /opt/openlink/bin/).
  3. Execute the following commands:

    . ../ ./oplshut -fy ./oplrqb -dv

    Note: the Broker's output will take over this login session. Closing this session will terminate the Broker, but you may minimize the window, and use another Terminal/DOS session to execute additional command-line operations.
  4. Recreate the error condition, by whatever means necessary.
  5. Return to the above login session, and issue cmd-C to terminate the Broker.
  6. Relaunch the Broker with your usual launch command, e.g., --


  7. The oplrqb.log in the /bin sub-directory of your Multi-Tier will contain a very detailed log of recent activity.

Web-based Admin Assistant (no Broker shutdown required)

  1. Open your Admin Assistant in a Web browser.
  2. Drill down to Server Components Administration -> Request Broker Administration -> Edit Request Broker's Parameters (Wizard).
  3. Enter your Admin Assistant username & password. (Both values default to "admin".)
  4. Advance one screen and set Log Detail to DEBUG.
  5. Scroll through the screens to end.
  6. Click Save.
  7. Click Reinitialize OpenLink Request Broker.
  8. Recreate the error condition.
  9. Retrieve the log and forward it to Product Support.
