Getting a Request Broker Version String (All Platforms)

Our Request Brokers return version strings, which identify the Broker's build date and other details, including the platform for which it was compiled.

To retrieve a version string --

  1. Open a CMD/DOS session on Windows, or a Unix terminal session.
  2. Navigate to the OpenLink server components installation directory (e.g., C:\Program Files\OpenLink\, C:\Program Files\OpenLink Software\UDA\, /opt/openlink/).
  3. If on a Unix-like OS, set the OpenLink environment by running the appropriate script for your shell --
    shell command Sort in descending order
    sh, bash, zsh and related . ./
    ksh and related source ./
    csh, tcsh and related source ./openlink.csh

  4. cd bin
  5. Run the following command:

    oplrqb -?

  6. Copy the first several lines for your evidence report.

    bash-2.05a$ ./oplrqb -? OpenLink Request Broker Version 2.47 as of Mon Apr 16 2012 (Release 6.2 cvsid 00094). Compiled for AIX 2 (powerpc-ibm-aix5.2.0.0-32) Copyright (C) OpenLink Software. Usage:

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