Configure Intersolv, Merant or DataDirect Driver Managers to Use OpenLink Drivers

You may configure the Intersolv, Merant or DataDirect Driver Manager to use OpenLink drivers. To proceed, take the following action:

1. Locate and open the Driver Manager's odbc.ini file.
2. Locate the [ODBC Data Sources] portion of the file.
3. Add your DSN to the list. For example:

[ODBC Data Sources]
OpenLink = OpenLink Generic ODBC Driver

4. Create a standard OpenLink DSN in this odbc.ini file. For example:

Driver          = /home/openlink/lib/
Host            = saturnus
ServerType      = Informix 7.3
FetchBufferSize = 99
UserName        = informix
Password        = ol_informix
Database        = stores7
ReadOnly        = no

5. Save your changes and exit the odbc.ini file.
6. Search for the Driver Manager's odbcinst.ini file.
7. If does not exist, create one.
8. Add the following entry to the odbcinst.ini file:

[OpenLink Generic ODBC Driver] 

9. Save your changes and exit the file.
10. Test.