%META:TOPICPARENT{name="UDATroubleshootingAppProblems"}% ==Application Specific Problems== ===How do I get Coldfusion to see my OpenLink DSN on *nix?=== In order to get ColdFusion to recognize the Openlink driver on Unix/Linux, you need to manually add the appropriate lines from your OpenLink odbc.ini file (set via $ODBCINI) to the odbc.ini file in Coldfusion's "odbc" directory. These lines include the entry from the [ODBC Data Sources] section, and the DSN section itself. E.g: {{{ [ODBC Data Sources] accessonwin32 = Openlink Generic ODBC Driver [accessonwin32] Driver=/usr/openlink/lib/oplodbc.so.1 Description=Ms Access sample database Database=Accessdsn ServerType=Odbc Host=MYWIN32HOSTMACHINE Username= ;Password= }}} (where "Accessdsn" is the name of your MS Access DSN on Windows. After you've modified and saved the CF odbc.ini file accordingly, the Coldfusion ODBC Data Sources Administration screen should reflect the new DSN upon refresh. You should then be able to verify the DSN and use it in your CFQUERY tags accordingly.