%META:TOPICPARENT{name="CodeSamples"}% {{{ '') _name := _email := _title := _area := _platform := _lang := ''; else { _name := trim(get_keyword('name', params, '')); _email := trim(get_keyword('email', params, '')); _title := get_keyword('title', params, ''); _area := get_keyword('area', params, ''); _pwd := get_keyword('pwd', params, ''); _cpwd := get_keyword('cpwd', params, ''); _platform := get_keyword('platform', params, ''); _lang := get_keyword('lang', params, ''); } ?> The OpenLink Developer
The OpenLink Developer's Tools & Demos pages is designed for Virtuoso solutions developers. Join today to receive personalized instruction and other resources which will enable you to accomplish all of your Virtuoso development goals.
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'') { ?>
%s'; if (_name = '' or _email = '' or _title = '' or _area = '' or _pwd = '' or _cpwd = '' or _platform = '' or _lang = '') { http(sprintf(_message, 'You have not entered all the necessary fields.')); } else if(_pwd <> _cpwd) { http(sprintf(_message, 'Passwords do not match!')); } else if (exists(select 1 from opie.opie.DevReg where Email = _email)) { http(sprintf(_message, 'This E-Mail has already been registered.')); } else { insert into opie.opie.DevReg (Name, Email, JobTitle, DevArea, Platform, ScriptLang, Passwd) values (_name, _email, _title, _area, _platform, _lang, _pwd); http(sprintf(_message, 'You have been registered.
In a few moments you will be entering the Developer\'s Page.')); declare _uid integer; _uid := (select DID from opie.opie.DevReg where Email = _email); ?> }}}