  declare _name, _email, _title, _area, _pwd, _cpwd, _platform, _lang, _sub, _res varchar; 
  _res := get_keyword('res', params, ''); 
  _sub := get_keyword('sub', params, ''); 
  if (_res <> '') 
    _name := _email := _title := _area := _platform := _lang := ''; 
    _name := trim(get_keyword('name', params, '')); 
    _email := trim(get_keyword('email', params, '')); 
    _title := get_keyword('title', params, ''); 
    _area := get_keyword('area', params, ''); 
    _pwd := get_keyword('pwd', params, ''); 
    _cpwd := get_keyword('cpwd', params, ''); 
    _platform := get_keyword('platform', params, ''); 
    _lang := get_keyword('lang', params, ''); 

      .message {font-family:Times New Roman; font-size:9pt; color:#800000; text-align:center} 
<title>The OpenLink Developer</title> 

<body bgcolor="#ffffff"> 
<form METHOD="POST" action="devregister.vsp"> 
<table border="0" width="73%" cellpadding="5"> 
    <td width="100%" colspan="2" height="66"><font face="Verdana" size="2">The 
      OpenLink <b><font color="#808000">Developer's Tools & Demos</font></b> 
      pages is designed for <font color="#000000">Virtuoso</font><font color="#808000"><b> 
      solutions developers</b></font>. Join today to receive personalized 
      instruction and other resources which will enable you to accomplish all of 
      your Virtuoso development goals.</font></td> 
    <td width="34%"><font face="Verdana" size="2" color="#31639C">Name: 
    <td width="66%"><input type="text" name="name" size="20" value="<?=_name?>"></td> 
    <td width="34%"><font face="Verdana" size="2" color="#31639C">Email:</font></td> 
    <td width="66%"><input type="text" name="email" size="20" value="<?=_email?>"></td> 
    <td width="34%"><font face="Verdana" size="2" color="#31639C">Jobtitle:</font></td> 
    <td width="66%"><select size="1" name="title"><?vsp for(select JobTitle from opie.opie.JobTitle where JobTitle <> 'Other' order by JobTitle) do { ?> 
  <OPTION <?=select_if(_title, JobTitle)?>><?=JobTitle?></OPTION> <?vsp } ?> 
  <OPTION <?=select_if(_title, 'Other')?>>Other</OPTION> 
    <td width="34%"><font face="Verdana" size="2" color="#31639C">Development 
    <td width="66%"><select size="1" name="area"><?vsp for(select DevArena from opie.opie.DevArena order by DevArena) do { ?> 
  <OPTION <?=select_if(_area, DevArena)?>><?=DevArena?></OPTION> <?vsp } ?> 
    <td width="34%"><font face="Verdana" size="2" color="#31639C">Platform:</font></td> 
    <td width="66%"><select size="1" name="platform"><?vsp for(select Platform from opie.opie.Platforms order by Platform) do { ?> 
  <OPTION <?=select_if(_platform, Platform)?>><?=Platform?></OPTION> <?vsp } ?> 
    <td width="34%"><font face="Verdana" size="2" color="#31639C">Languages:</font></td> 
    <td width="66%"><select size="1" name="lang"><?vsp for(select ScriptLang from opie.opie.ScriptLang where "ScriptLang" <> 'Other' order by ScriptLang) do { ?> 
  <OPTION <?=select_if(_lang, ScriptLang)?>><?=ScriptLang?></OPTION> <?vsp } ?> 
          <OPTION <?=select_if(_lang, 'Other')?>>Other</OPTION> 
    <td width="34%"><font face="Verdana" size="2" color="#31639C">Password:</font></td> 
    <td width="66%"><input type="password" name="pwd" size="20"></td> 
    <td width="34%"><font face="Verdana" size="2" color="#31639C">Confirm 
    <td width="66%"><input type="password" name="cpwd" size="20"></td> 
    <td width="34%"></td> 
    <td width="66%"><input type="submit" value="Submit" name="sub"><input type="reset" value="Reset" name="res"></td> 
  if (_sub <> '') 
    declare _message varchar; 
    _message := '<table><tr><td class="message">%s</td></tr></table>'; 
    if (_name = '' or _email = '' or _title = '' or _area = '' or _pwd = '' or _cpwd = '' or _platform = '' or _lang = '') 
      http(sprintf(_message, 'You have not entered all the necessary fields.')); 
    else if(_pwd <> _cpwd) 
      http(sprintf(_message, 'Passwords do not match!')); 
    else if (exists(select 1 from opie.opie.DevReg where Email = _email)) 
      http(sprintf(_message, 'This E-Mail has already been registered.')); 
      insert into opie.opie.DevReg (Name, Email, JobTitle, DevArea, Platform, ScriptLang, Passwd) 
              values (_name, _email, _title, _area, _platform, _lang, _pwd); 
      http(sprintf(_message, 'You have been registered.<br />In a few moments you will be entering the Developer\'s Page.')); 
      declare _uid integer; 
      _uid := (select DID from opie.opie.DevReg where Email = _email); 
    <SCRIPT language="javascript"> 
    function jumpTo() 
      document.location = 'developerpage.vsp?uid=' + <?=_uid?>; 
    window.setTimeout('jumpTo()', 9000); 