Class OPLDataSource?
OPLDataSource? Classes OPLDataSource?
A DataSource? object is a factory for Connection objects.
An object that implements the DataSource? interface will typically be registered with a JNDI service provider.
A JDBC driver that is accessed via the DataSource? API does not automatically register itself with the DriverManager?.
public class OPLDataSource? implements DataSource?,Serializable,Referenceable {
Public Constructors
public OPLDataSource?();
Public Methods
public Reference getReference() throws javax.naming.NamingException;
public Connection getConnection() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public Connection getConnection(java.lang.String user,
java.lang.String password)
throws java.sql.SQLException;
public PrintWriter? getLogWriter() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public void setLogWriter(java.io.PrintWriter parm)
throws java.sql.SQLException;
public int getLoginTimeout() throws java.sql.SQLException;
public void setLoginTimeout(int parm) throws java.sql.SQLException;
public String getDataSourceName();
public void setDataSourceName(java.lang.String parm);
public String getDescription();
public void setDescription(java.lang.String parm);
public int getPortNumber();
public void setPortNumber(int parm);
public String getServerName();
public void setServerName(java.lang.String parm);
public String getDatabaseName();
public void setDatabaseName(java.lang.String parm);
public String getUser();
public void setUser(java.lang.String parm);
public String getPassword();
public void setPassword(java.lang.String parm);
public String getSVT();
public void setSVT(java.lang.String parm);
public boolean getReadOnly();
public void setReadOnly(boolean parm);
public String getDbOptions();
public void setDbOptions(java.lang.String parm);
public String getFBS();
public void setFBS(java.lang.String parm);
public String getCharSet();
public void setCharSet(java.lang.String parm);
public String getCursorModel();
public void setCursorModel(java.lang.String parm);
public String getConcurrencyType();
public void setConcurrencyType(java.lang.String parm);
public boolean getEncrypted();
public void setEncrypted(boolean parm);
public boolean getDeferLongFetch();
public void setDeferLongFetch(boolean parm);
public String getApplication();
public void setApplication(java.lang.String parm);
public boolean getUnicode();
public void setUnicode(boolean parm);
public String getURL();
public void setURL(java.lang.String parm);
Inheritance Path
Method getApplication()
getApplication Methods getApplication
Synopsis: public String getApplication();
Get the Application name set on this DataSource? instance.
Method getCharSet()
getCharSet Methods getCharSet
Synopsis: public String getCharSet();
Get the charset of remote database set on this DataSource? instance.
Method getConcurrencyType()
getConcurrencyType Methods getConcurrencyType
Synopsis: public String getConcurrencyType();
Get the default Concurrency Type for scrollable ResultSets? set on this DataSource? instance.
Method getConnection()
getConnection Methods getConnection
Synopsis: public Connection getConnection() throws java.sql.SQLException;
if a database-access error occurs
Attempt to establish a database connection.
Method getConnection(String, String)
getConnection Methods getConnection
Synopsis: public Connection getConnection(java.lang.String user,
java.lang.String password)
throws java.sql.SQLException;
user - the database user on whose behalf the Connection is being made
password - the user's password
return - a Connection to the database
if a database-access error occurs
Attempt to establish a database connection.
Method getCursorModel()
getCursorModel Methods getCursorModel
Synopsis: public String getCursorModel();
Get the default Cursor Model for scrollable ResultSets? set on this DataSource? instance.
Method getDatabaseName()
getDatabaseName Methods getDatabaseName
Synopsis: public String getDatabaseName();
Get the name of the database set on this DataSource? instance.
Method getDataSourceName()
getDataSourceName Methods getDataSourceName
Synopsis: public String getDataSourceName();
Get the datasource name for this instance if set.
The default value is "OPLDataSourceName?"
Method getDbOptions()
getDbOptions Methods getDbOptions
Synopsis: public String getDbOptions();
Get the Database Options set on this DataSource? instance.
Method getDeferLongFetch()
getDeferLongFetch Methods getDeferLongFetch
Synopsis: public boolean getDeferLongFetch();
Get if the DataSource? instance uses the deferLongFetch for long data.
Method getDescription()
getDescription Methods getDescription
Synopsis: public String getDescription();
Get the description of this data source.
Method getEncrypted()
getEncrypted Methods getEncrypted
Synopsis: public boolean getEncrypted();
Get if the outgoing packets are encrypted for this DataSource? instance.
Method getFBS()
getFBS Methods getFBS
Synopsis: public String getFBS();
Get the Fetch Buffer Size set on this DataSource? instance.
Method getLoginTimeout()
getLoginTimeout Methods getLoginTimeout
Synopsis: public int getLoginTimeout() throws java.sql.SQLException;
if a database-access error occurs
Gets the maximum time in seconds that this data source can wait while attempting to connect to a database. A value of zero means that the timeout is the default system timeout if there is one; otherwise it means that there is no timeout. When a DataSource? object is created the login timeout is initially zero.
Method getLogWriter()
getLogWriter Methods getLogWriter
Synopsis: public PrintWriter? getLogWriter() throws java.sql.SQLException;
if a database-access error occurs
The log writer is a character output stream to which all logging and tracing messages for this data source object instance will be printed. This includes messages printed by the methods of this object, messages printed by methods of other objects manufactured by this object, and so on. Messages printed to a data source specific log writer are not printed to the log writer associated with the java.sql.Drivermanager class. When a DataSource? object is created the log writer is initially null, in other words, logging is disabled.
Method getPassword()
getPassword Methods getPassword
Synopsis: public String getPassword();
Get the password set on this DataSource? instance.
Method getPortNumber()
getPortNumber Methods getPortNumber
Synopsis: public int getPortNumber();
Get the port number on which oplrqb is listening for requests.
The default value is 5000
Method getReadOnly()
getReadOnly Methods getReadOnly
Synopsis: public boolean getReadOnly();
Get the ReadOnly? attribute set on this DataSource? instance.
Method getServerName()
getServerName Methods getServerName
Synopsis: public String getServerName();
Get the name of the host on which oplrqb is running.
The default value is "localhost"
Method getSVT()
getSVT Methods getSVT
Synopsis: public String getSVT();
Get the ServerType? set on this DataSource? instance.
Method getUnicode()
getUnicode Methods getUnicode
Synopsis: public boolean getUnicode();
Get if the DataSource? instance uses the Unicode connection with a DBMS agent.
Method getURL()
getURL Methods getURL
Synopsis: public String getURL();
Get the URL for this Datasource instance.
Method getUser()
getUser Methods getUser
Synopsis: public String getUser();
Get the user name set on this DataSource? instance.
Method setApplication(String)
setApplication Methods setApplication
Synopsis: public void setApplication(java.lang.String parm);
parm - Application name to be set
Set the Application name with which connections have to be obtained. Will be overwritten with value from URL, if URL is set.
Method setCharSet(String)
setCharSet Methods setCharSet
Synopsis: public void setCharSet(java.lang.String parm);
parm - CharSet? to be set
Set the charset of remote database with which connections have to be obtained. The default value is get from System.getProperty("fil... Will be overwritten with value from URL, if URL is set.
Method setConcurrencyType(String)
setConcurrencyType Methods setConcurrencyType
Synopsis: public void setConcurrencyType(java.lang.String parm);
parm - Concurrency Type to be set
Set the default Concurrency Type for scrollable ResultSets? with which connections have to be obtained. Will be overwritten with value from URL, if URL is set.
Method setCursorModel(String)
setCursorModel Methods setCursorModel
Synopsis: public void setCursorModel(java.lang.String parm);
parm - CursorModel? to be set
Set the default Cursor Model for scrollable ResultSets? with which connections have to be obtained. Will be overwritten with value from URL, if URL is set.
Method setDatabaseName(String)
setDatabaseName Methods setDatabaseName
Synopsis: public void setDatabaseName(java.lang.String parm);
parm - database name to be set
Set the name of a particular database on a server. Will be overwritten with value from URL, if URL is set.
Method setDataSourceName(String)
setDataSourceName Methods setDataSourceName
Synopsis: public void setDataSourceName(java.lang.String parm);
parm - DataSource? name to be set
Set the DataSource? name. The default value is "OPLDataSourceName?"
Method setDbOptions(String)
setDbOptions Methods setDbOptions
Synopsis: public void setDbOptions(java.lang.String parm);
parm - Database Options to be set
Set the Database Options with which connections have to be obtained. Will be overwritten with value from URL, if URL is set.
Method setDeferLongFetch(boolean)
setDeferLongFetch Methods setDeferLongFetch
Synopsis: public void setDeferLongFetch(boolean parm);
parm - true for a DeferLongFetch? connection
Set the DeferLongFetch? attribute with which connections have to be obtained. The default value is false . Will be overwritten with value from URL, if URL is set.
Method setDescription(String)
setDescription Methods setDescription
Synopsis: public void setDescription(java.lang.String parm);
parm - Description to be set.
Set the description for this data source instance.
Method setEncrypted(boolean)
setEncrypted Methods setEncrypted
Synopsis: public void setEncrypted(boolean parm);
parm - true if outgoing packets must be encrypted
Set the Encrypted flag for outgoing packets with which connections have to be obtained. Will be overwritten with value from URL, if URL is set.
Method setFBS(String)
setFBS Methods setFBS
Synopsis: public void setFBS(java.lang.String parm);
parm - FetchBufferSize? to be set
Sets number of JDBC resultset rows that get packed into a single network packet Will be overwritten with value from URL, if URL is set.
Method setLoginTimeout(int)
setLoginTimeout Methods setLoginTimeout
Synopsis: public void setLoginTimeout(int parm) throws java.sql.SQLException;
parm - the data source login time limit (in seconds)
if a database-access error occurs
Sets the maximum time in seconds that this data source will wait while attempting to connect to a database. A value of zero specifies that the timeout is the default system timeout if there is one; otherwise it specifies that there is no timeout. When a DataSource? object is created the login timeout is initially zero.
Method setLogWriter(PrintWriter?)
setLogWriter Methods setLogWriter
Synopsis: public void setLogWriter(java.io.PrintWriter parm)
throws java.sql.SQLException;
parm - the new log writer; to disable, set to null
if a database-access error occurs
The log writer is a character output stream to which all logging and tracing messages for this data source object instance will be printed. This includes messages printed by the methods of this object, messages printed by methods of other objects manufactured by this object, and so on. Messages printed to a data source specific log writer are not printed to the log writer associated with the java.sql.Drivermanager class. When a DataSource? object is created the log writer is initially null, in other words, logging is disabled.
Method setPassword(String)
setPassword Methods setPassword
Synopsis: public void setPassword(java.lang.String parm);
parm - password to be set
Set the password with which connections have to be obtained. Will be overwritten with value from URL, if URL is set.
Method setPortNumber(int)
setPortNumber Methods setPortNumber
Synopsis: public void setPortNumber(int parm);
parm - port number on which oplrqb is listening
Set the port number where the oplrqb is listening for requests. The default value is 5000 . Will be overwritten with value from URL, if URL is set.
Method setReadOnly(boolean)
setReadOnly Methods setReadOnly
Synopsis: public void setReadOnly(boolean parm);
parm - true for a readOnly connection
Set the ReadOnly? attribute with which connections have to be obtained. The default value is false . Will be overwritten with value from URL, if URL is set.
Method setServerName(String)
setServerName Methods setServerName
Synopsis: public void setServerName(java.lang.String parm);
parm - name of the host on which oplrqb is running
Set the name of the host where the oplrqb is running. The default value is "localhost" . Will be overwritten with value from URL, if URL is set.
Method setSVT(String)
setSVT Methods setSVT
Synopsis: public void setSVT(java.lang.String parm);
parm - ServerType? to be set
Set the ServerType? with which connections have to be obtained. Will be overwritten with value from URL, if URL is set.
Method setUnicode(boolean)
setUnicode Methods setUnicode
Synopsis: public void setUnicode(boolean parm);
parm - true for a Unicode connection
Set the Unicode attribute with which connections have to be obtained. The default value is false . Will be overwritten with value from URL, if URL is set.
Method setURL(String)
setURL Methods setURL
Synopsis: public void setURL(java.lang.String parm);
parm - URL to be set
Set the URL with which connections have to be obtained.
Method setUser(String)
setUser Methods setUser
Synopsis: public void setUser(java.lang.String parm);
parm - username to be set
Set the user name with which connections have to be obtained. Will be overwritten with value from URL, if URL is set.