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  • SupportWeb.OplLicEvolution(Last) -- Owiki? , 2016-08-19 14:59:36 Edit owiki 2016-08-19 14:59:36

    Tracking Changes in OpenLink Licensing Technology

    OpenLink's licensing technology has evolved from initialization of simple, product-specific .ini files to a sophisticated and centralized License Manager process that is capable of serving up licenses to any combination of OpenLink products from the product portfolio. This page allows you to track these changes.


    Product Version Licensing Mechanism
    6.x+ OpenLink's license binaries are now applied to a generic License Manager process that serves, monitors, and publishes stats about license usage to the Web-based Administrative Assistant. Licenses from any product in the OpenLink product portolio are placed in one centralized location. These files are typically placed into the bin sub-directory of an OpenLink Software installation. An OPL_LICENSE_DIR environment variable can be set when license placement deviates from the standard location.The License Manager is then restarted to initialize itself with the terms of all the licenses that reside in the set location.
    4.x-5.x OpenLink's license files evolved into binary files with a .lic extension. These files are typically placed into the Lite32 (Windows) or bin sub-directories of the Single-Tier installations. An OPL_LICENSE_DIR environment variable can be set when the license placement deviates from the standard location. The Single-Tier driver is initialized with the new terms the first time it is reloaded after a new license placement.
    1.x-3.x OpenLink's early licenses were simple .ini files that contained the terms of the OpenLink license. This text file is placed in the Lite32 sub-directory of Single-Tier installations. Single-Tier users run a regedit program to initialize the client driver with the terms of the license. The Single-Tier driver is responsible for ensuring concurrent usage falls within the guidelines set by the license.


    Product Version Licensing Mechanism
    1.x-3.x OpenLink's early licenses are simple .ini files that contain the terms of the OpenLink license. This text file is placed in the bin sub-directory of Multi-Tier installations. Multi-Tier users run a ./register program and restart the Request Broker program to initialize the Broker process with the terms of the license. The Request Broker is responsible for ensuring concurrent usage falls within the guidelines set by the license.
    4.x-5.x OpenLink's .ini license files evolved into binary files with a .lic extension. These files are typically placed into the bin sub-directory of the Multi-Tier installation. An OPL_LICENSE_DIR environment variable can be set when license placement deviates from the standard location. The Multi-Tier Request Broker is restarted to initialize the license. The Request Broker is responsible for ensuring concurrent usage falls within the guidelines set by the license.
    6.x+ OpenLink's license binaries are now applied to a generic License Manager process that serves, monitors, and publishes stats about license usage to the Web-based Administrative Assistant. Licenses from any product in the OpenLink product portolio are placed in one centralized location. These files are typically placed into the bin sub-directory of an OpenLink Software installation. An OPL_LICENSE_DIR environment variable can be set when license placement deviates from the standard location.The License Manager is then restarted to initialize itself with the terms of all the licenses that reside in the set location.


    Product Version Licensing Mechanism
    4.x-5.x OpenLink's license files evolved into binary files with a .lic extension. These files are typically placed into the bin sub-directory of the Virtuoso installation. An OPL_LICENSE_DIR environment variable can be set when the license placement deviates from the standard location. Virtuoso is restarted to initialize the license. Virtuoso is responsible for ensuring concurrent usage falls within the guidelines set by the license.
    6.x+ OpenLink's license binaries are now applied to a generic License Manager process that serves, monitors, and publishes stats about license usage to the Web-based Administrative Assistant. Licenses from any product in the OpenLink product portolio are placed in one centralized location. These files are typically placed into the bin sub-directory of an OpenLink Software installation. An OPL_LICENSE_DIR environment variable can be set when license placement deviates from the standard location.The License Manager is then restarted to initialize itself with the terms of all the licenses that reside in the set location.

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