A monthly newsletter dedicated to the promotion of best practices and education in the data access and integration communities.
Brought to you by the team at
January 2009
Happy New Year from everyone at
In the spirit of the new year,
Not ready for a paradigm shift? The team has put together a set of practical tips and tricks to assist you with your immediate migration and integration needs.
Got trouble interfacing data in different DBMSs from different vendors?
Equip your Microsoft .NET based applications, development environments, and programming languages with conceptual entity-based access to native and heterogeneous data sources.
Features include:
Bio2Rdf is a Bio Informatics knowledgebase comprising roughly 30 public data stores. The Bio2Rdf EC2 AMI is pre-installed, pre-configured instance of the scientific knowledgebase hosted on Amazon and is available for almost immediate use. Run semantic queries against the database or integrate it with your own data stores in under 2 hours.
OpenLink Support believes forewarned is forearmed, so we are sharing our best data migration and integration advisories. Find more migration tips and tricks in our evolving "Data Integration & Migration Strategies" guide:
Data Integration & Migration Strategies Guide
"Bitness" or bit descriptor compatibility issues are a perennial problem with data migration and integration projects. Many client applications and DBMSs are hosted on 64-bit operating systems. Consequently, users assume a need for 64-bit data access drivers or providers. This is not the case.
Data access products must share the same bit descriptor as the local client application and/or DBMS. In many cases, 32-bit applications and DBMSs are running on the latest and greatest 64-bit machines.
To complicate matters....
It is not uncommon for 64-bit client applications and DBMSs to have 32-bit utilities -- or a mix of 32-bit and 64-bit utilities -- to perform data access tasks.
Familiarize yourself with your architecture before embarking on mission-critical data access undertakings.
Be wary of architectures that require a client application layer to sit on top of multiple data access layers that bridge to one another such as OLE DB to ODBC.
More layers introduce the potential for more compatibility problems and troubleshooting headaches.
Don't be surprised if attempts to query one DBMS with another DBMS-related client application results in data type compatibility or SQL syntax errors.
This is a harsh reality of system integration, and many of these cross-DBMS and cross-vendor interoperability nightmares can not be resolved.
Many vendors use lock-in as a market strategy, so their integration tools are an after-thought.
Say goodbye to yesterday's short-sighted and problem-prone data integration projects.
Free yourself from limiting DBMS schemas and incompatible migration tools produced by competing DBMS vendors.
Forget rip-and-replace solutions that strain or exceed budgets in today's cash-strapped world.
Embrace the prospect of easy access to holistic and context based views of all your mission critical, heterogeneous data -- not just within the walls of your enterprise, but on the World Wide Web, as well.
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