---+ Apply Release 6.x Lite Edition License Files on Mac OS X
1 Note: You must be logged in as a user with Administrator privileges.%BR%%BR%
1 For best results, quit all ODBC client applications and administrative tools to start this process, and do not relaunch any of them until instructed to test your connection.%BR%%BR%
1 Locate your new license file in your email or [[ODSBriefcaseLicenseStorage][ODS Briefcase]], and note its name.%BR%%BR%
1 Open a Finder window, and drill down to *Macintosh HD* -> *Library* -> *Application Support* -> *openlink* -> *Licenses*.%BR%%BR%
1 In this directory, locate any existing file by the same name as your new license file. Generally, this can simply be discarded, but you can keep it if you like; simply move it to a different location (such as your Desktop) or rename it (e.g., sql_lt.lic.2011-03-21.bak). Once the new license is confirmed to work, it's usually best to discard the expired and/or unused license files, to avoid future confusion.%BR%%BR%
1 Drag your new license file from your email or [[ODSBriefcaseLicenseStorage][ODS Briefcase]] to this directory, replacing any existing file by the same name. %BR%%BR%
1 Launch *Terminal.app* (found in /Applications/Utilities/
1 Execute these three commands (you can just copy-and-paste), and provide your Mac OS X user password when prompted --
cd "/Library/Application Support/openlink/Licenses"
sudo ../bin/oplmgr +stop
sudo ../bin/oplmgr +start
1 Note also the following document on the [[http://wikis.openlinksw.com/dataspace/owiki/wiki/UdaWikiWeb/MacOSXOplmgrLicenseLocations][Mac OS X OpenLink License Manager Usage Notes]], containing more detailed usages notes with different version of oplmgr
1 Test your connection with the OpenLink ODBC Administrator.app or any other ODBC client application.%BR%%BR%
1 If license errors come up, reboot, and test again. %BR%%BR%
1 If errors persist, please [[http://support.openlinksw.com/support/online-support.vsp][log a Support Case]].%BR%%BR%