%META:TOPICPARENT{name="OATDOCIndex"}% ---+ timeline.js Draggable timeline. %TOC% ---++ Objects ---+++ OAT.Timeline(contentDiv, options) Creates a Timeline inside contentDiv. The options may include: * lineHeight - int, height of one record * bandHeight - int, height of one band's header * margins - int, (default 200) * resize - bool (default true) * formatter - bool (default true) * sliderHeight - int, height of slider * autoHeight - bool, should height be automatically adjusted? (default true) ---++ Methods ---+++ OAT.Timeline.addBand(name, color, label) Adds a data band to chart. The band is identified by name, drawn in color, and labeled with label. ---+++ OAT.Timeline.addEvent(bandName, startTime, endTime, content, color) Adds new event to Timeline, respective to its bandb and Name. * startTime and endTime are data-time strings formatted as YYYY-MM-DDThh-mm-ss. (*ToBeDone - verify preceding sentence!* ) * endTime can be false, when the event has no duration. * content is a HTML element. * coloris a background color for time strip (only when endTime is not false). ---+++ OAT.Timeline::draw() Draws the timeline. ---++ CSS Classes ---+++ OAT.Timeline.timeline ToBeDone ---+++ OAT.Timeline.timeline_port ToBeDone ---+++ OAT.Timeline.timeline_slider ToBeDone ---++ Example ToBeDone CategoryDocumentation CategoryOAT CategoryOpenSource CategoryToBeDone