%META:TOPICPARENT{name="OATDOCIndex"}% ---+ tagcloud.js Displays a "Tag Cloud", a visually enhanced set of links. %TOC% ---++ Objects ---+++ OAT.TagCloud(div, optionsObject) Creates a Tag Cloud inside div. Options are specified in optionsObject: * *separator* - string which separates individual entries * *colors* - array of colors to be used * *sizes* - array of font sizes to be used * *colorMapping* - one of the OAT.TagCloudData.COLOR_ constants ---++ Methods ---+++ OAT.TagCloud.clearItems() Removes all items (links). ---+++ OAT.TagCloud.addItem(name, link[, frequency]) Adds a new item. Its label is name, link is an URL. Third argument, frequencyis optional and defaults to 1. ---+++ OAT.TagCloud.draw() Draws the Tag Cloud. ---++ Constants ---+++ OAT.TagCloudData.COLOR_SIZE Create color based on size (frequency). ---+++ OAT.TagCloudData.COLOR_CYCLE Periodically cycle all specified colors. ---+++ OAT.TagCloudData.COLOR_RANDOM Use randomly chosen color for each item. ---++ Example var colors = ["#f00","#0f0","#00f"]; var sizes = ["80%","100%","120%"]; var tc = new OAT.TagCloud("myDiv",{separator:", ", colorMapping:OAT.TagCloudData.COLOR_SIZE, colors:colors, sizes:sizes}); tc.addItem("Label 1", "http://", 10); tc.addItem("Label 2", "http://", 5); tc.addItem("Label 3", "http://"); /* frequency == 1 */ tc.draw(); CategoryDocumentation CategoryOAT CategoryOpenSource