Displays a "Tag Cloud", a visually enhanced set of links.
Creates a Tag Cloud inside div. Options are specified in optionsObject:
Removes all items (links).
Adds a new item. Its label is name, link is an URL. Third argument, frequencyis optional and defaults to 1.
Draws the Tag Cloud.
Create color based on size (frequency).
Periodically cycle all specified colors.
Use randomly chosen color for each item.
var colors = ["#f00","#0f0","#00f"]; var sizes = ["80%","100%","120%"]; var tc = new OAT.TagCloud("myDiv",{separator:", ", colorMapping:OAT.TagCloudData.COLOR_SIZE, colors:colors, sizes:sizes}); tc.addItem("Label 1", "http://", 10); tc.addItem("Label 2", "http://", 5); tc.addItem("Label 3", "http://"); /* frequency == 1 */ tc.draw();