%META:TOPICPARENT{name="OATDOCIndex"}% ---+ tab.js Provides tab functionality. %TOC% ---++ Objects ---+++ OAT.Tab(element,options) Creates Tab object. The element specifies a container where the tab contents will be placed.options may contain: * *goCallback* - function to be called when tab switching occurs. Two parameters will be supplied: old index an new index. * *onUnDock* - function to be called when tab undocks. One parameters will be supplied: tab's index. * *onDock* - function to be called when tab docks. One parameters will be supplied: tab's index. * *dockMode* - bool; can tabs can be undocked into standalone windows? default true. You need to include the 'windows' library. * *dockElement* - DOM node (or ID) specifying parent node for tabs; only needed when dockMode true * *dockWindowWidth* - Sets width of dock window * *dockWindowHeight* - Sets height of dock window ---++ Methods ---+++ OAT.Tab.add(clicker, window) Adds a new clicker-window pair, i.e., when the user clicks clicker, window will be shown. ---+++ OAT.Tab.remove(clicker) Removes a clicker-window pair. ---+++ OAT.Tab.go(index) Switches to tab, according to index. ---++ CSS classes ---+++ .tab ToBeDone ---+++ .tab_selected ToBeDone ---++ Example var t = new OAT.Tab("content"); t.add("header_1","window_1"); t.add("header_2","window_2"); t.go(0); CategoryOAT CategoryOpenSource CategoryDocumentation CategoryToBeDone