Simple eyecandy effects: shadows, rounding etc.
OAT.SimpleFX.shadow(element, options)
Adds a shadow to element.
Available options are:
- imagePath - path to directory with shadow images
- offsetX , offsetY - horizontal and vertical offset
- rightSize, bottomSize - dimensions of shadows
- rightImage, bottomImage , cornerImage - file names
OAT.SimpleFX.roundImg(element, options)
ToBeDone? - Verify OAT.SimpleFX.roundDiv vs OAT.SimpleFX.roundImg - original documentation had this section header as roundImg -- but sample code was roundDivCreates rounded corners on element, using images.
Available options are:
- corners - array of booleans, specifying corners to be rounded.
Starting from left top clockwise.
- edges - array of booleans, specifying edges to be rounded.
Starting from top clockwise.
- cornerFiles, edgeFiles - array of file names
- thickness - array of sizes, specifying thicknesses of corners.
Starting from left top clockwise.
OAT.SimpleFX.roundDiv(element, optionsObject)
ToBeDone? - Verify OAT.SimpleFX.roundDiv vs OAT.SimpleFX.roundImg - original documentation had this section header as roundImg -- but sample code was roundDiv Creates rounded corners on element, using stacked DIVs.
Available options are:
- corners - array of booleans, specifying corners to be rounded, clockwise from top left.
- color, backgroundColor - colors to be used.
BackgroundColor? is used only for computation of antialiasing color.
Defaults to 'auto' (=inherit).
- antialias - boolean value
- size - radius.
Good values are 2-8.
OAT.SimpleFX.shader(clicker, target, options)
clicker as a button, which hides/shows
Target may be an array of elements.
options are:
- type - (toggle)
- 0 = only hide
- 1 = only show
- 2 = both
Example 1, using OAT.SimpleFX.roundImg
ToBeDone? - Verify OAT.SimpleFX.roundImg vs OAT.SimpleFX.roundDiv - original code had roundDiv, but description was roundImgOAT.SimpleFX.shadow("myDiv", {});
OAT.SimpleFX.shader("myDiv", ["myDiv1","myDiv2"], {type:2});
Example 2, using OAT.SimpleFX.roundDiv
ToBeDone? - Verify OAT.SimpleFX.roundImg vs OAT.SimpleFX.roundDiv - original code had roundDiv, but description was roundImgOAT.SimpleFX.shadow("myDiv", {});
OAT.SimpleFX.roundDiv("myDiv", {antialias:1, size:5});
OAT.SimpleFX.shader("myDiv", ["myDiv1","myDiv2"], {type:2});
CategoryDocumentation CategoryOAT CategoryOpenSource CategoryToBeDone?