%META:TOPICPARENT{name="OATDOCIndex"}% ---+ resize.js Provides resizing capability for any DOM node. %TOC% ---++ Functions ---+++ OAT.Resize.create(clicker, mover, type[, restrictionFunction[, endFunction]]) Modifies element such that clicking and moving on clicker will cause it to resize. * *clicker* - ID or DOM element * *mover* - ID or DOM element * *type* - one of the OAT.Resize.TYPE_ constants; specifies resizing direction(s). * *restrictionFunction* - function with bool result which tells if resizing is permitted (optional) * *endFunction* - function performed at the end of resize task (optional) ---+++ OAT.Resize.remove(clicker, element) Removes resizing relation between clicker and element. ---+++ OAT.Resize.removeAll(clicker) Removes all resizing relations from clicker. ---++ Constants ---+++ OAT.Resize.TYPE_ Tells which direction resizing is permitted. * OAT.Resize.TYPE_X - X-axis only * OAT.Resize.TYPE_Y - Y-axis only * OAT.Resize.TYPE_XY - both axes ---++ Example var corner = OAT.Dom.create("div"); var body = OAT.Dom.create("div"); body.appendChild(corner); OAT.Resize.create(corner, body, OAT.Resize.TYPE_XY); CategoryDocumentation CategoryOAT CategoryOpenSource