%META:TOPICPARENT{name="OATDOCIndex"}% ---+ pivot.js Advanced interactive Pivot table. %TOC% ---++ Objects ---+++ OAT.Pivot(div, chartDiv, filterDiv, headerRow, dataRows, headerRowIndexes, headerColIndexes, filterIndexes, dataColumnIndex, options) Creates Pivot table. Arguments are explained below: * *div* - the pivot table will be created as a child of this element (dom element) * *chartDiv* - pivot chart will be created as a child of this element (dom element) * *filterDiv* - 'paging' selects will go here (dom element) * *headerRow* - array of headings for data Rows (array) * *dataRows* - array of rows. Every row (array) must have the same number of elements as headerRow (array of arrays) * *headerRowIndexes* - array, containing indexes of columns which should be drawn as vertical aggregate columns (array) * *headerColIndexes* - array, containing indexes of columns which should be drawn as horizontal aggregate columns (array) * *filterIndexes* - array, containing indexes of columns which should be drawn as paging aggregate columns (array) * *dataColumnIndex* - index of data column (number) * *optObj* - object containing following: * *headingBefore* - should we create headings before data? (bool) * *headingAfter* - should we create headings after data? (bool) * *agg* - constant, specifying appropriate aggregating function index (number) * *aggTotals* - constant, specifying appropriate aggregating function index for sub-totals and totals (number) * *showChart* - show chart? (bool) * *showRowChart* - show row totals chart? (bool) * *showColChart* - show column totals chart? (bool) * *type* - one of TYPE _constants for number formatting (OAT.PivotData) * *customType* - formatting function for TYPE_CUSTOM * *showEmpty* - show columns & rows with null values? (bool) * *subtotals* - show subtotals? (bool) * *totals* - show totals? (bool) * *currencySymbol* - when using OAT.PivotData.TYPE_CURRENCY as customType option. Default is $. ---++ Constants ---+++ OAT.PivotData.TYPE_ * OAT.PivotData.TYPE_BASIC - 1234.56 * OAT.PivotData.TYPE_PERCENT - 1234.56% * OAT.PivotData.TYPE_SCI- 1234E+02 * OAT.PivotData.TYPE_SPACE- 1 234.56 * OAT.PivotData.TYPE_CUSTOM - function in options.custom Type * OAT.PivotData.TYPE_COMMA - 1,234.56 * OAT.PivotData.TYPE_CURRENCY (currency symbol in options.currencySymbol.$ is default) ---++ CSS classes ---+++ .pivot_table ToBeDone ---+++ .h1 ToBeDone ---+++ .h2 ToBeDone ---+++ .odd ToBeDone ---+++ .even ToBeDone ---+++ .subtotal ToBeDone ---+++ .total ToBeDone ---+++ .gtotal ToBeDone ---+++ .pivot_chart ToBeDone ---+++ .pivot row_chart ToBeDone ---+++ .pivot col_chart ToBeDone ---++ Example var pivot = new OAT.Pivot(div, chartDiv, filterDiv, headerRow, dataRows, headerRowIndexes, headerColIndexes, filterIndexes, dataColumnIndex, {}) CategoryDocumentation CategoryOAT CategoryOpenSource CategoryToBeDone