%META:TOPICPARENT{name="OATDOCIndex"}% ---+ notify.js Provides API for informative notification boxes. %TOC% ---++ Functions ---+++ OAT.Notify.send(content, options); Small box with the desired content will appear for the specified time in the top right corner of the screen. Content is string or object which is inserted into the notification box. As the second parameter you may specify the following options: * *image* - url of included image * *padding* - style of the container (default2px) * *background* - style of the container (default#ccc) * *color* - style of the container (default#000) * *style* - custom properties for the text * *opacity* - style of the container (default0.8) * *delayIn* - delay when fading in (default50ms) * *delayOut* - delay when fading out (default50ms) * *timeout* - how long is the box visible (default2000ms) * *width* ,*height* - box dimensions CategoryDocumentation CategoryOAT CategoryOpenSource