---+ keyboard.js
Keyboard events and shortcut handling.
---++ Functions
---+++ OAT.Keyboard.add(key, downCallback, upCallback, group, id, obj)
Listens for pressing a given key.
downCallback and upCallback are executed during onkeydown and onkeyup events.
obji is the element which should handle these events; defaults to document.
group is a arbitrary string - one can then enable/disable groups of keyboard shortcuts.
id is not used yet.
---+++ OAT.Keyboard.disable(group)
Disables all shortcuts contained in group.
---+++ OAT.Keyboard.enable(group)
Enables all shortcuts contained in group.
---++ Example
var key = "ctrl-alt-7";
var callback = function() { alert('Pressed!'); }
OAT.Keyboard.add(key, callback, false, "mygroup", false, false);
CategoryDocumentation CategoryOAT CategoryOpenSource