%META:TOPICPARENT{name="OATDOCIndex"}% ---+ fresnel.js Fresnel Lens RDF Processor. %TOC% ---++ Objects ---+++ OAT.Fresnel() Creates the Fresnel Processor object. ---++ Methods ---+++ OAT.Fresnel::addURL(url, callback) Loads a Fresnel RDF template, located at url. After loading and parsing is complete,callback(without arguments) is executed. ---+++ OAT.Fresnel::format(dataObject) Formats an RDF data set using loaded template. The dataObject is an OAT RDF structure, usually a store.data.all property. This function returns an array with two values: * [0] - an XML document, containing the transformed document, * [1] - array of CSS stylesheets, referenced in Fresnel template. ---++ Example var fresnel = new OAT.Fresnel(); var rdf = new OAT.RDFStore(); /* don't forget to load some RDF into the store... */ var loadedCallback = function() { var results = fresnel.format(rdf.data.all); } fresnel.addURL("myFresnelTemplate.n3"); CategoryDocumentation CategoryOAT CategoryOpenSource