---+ fisheye.js
Creates Mac-like dock.
---++ Objects
---+++ OAT.FishEye(optionsObject)
The dock will be created using options specified in optionsObject.
* *smallSize* - minimal (normal) size of an image.
* *bigSize* - maximal size of an active image.
* *limit* - radius of the fisheye effect.
* *spacing* - space between images.
---++ Methods
---+++ OAT.FishEye::addImage(url)
Adds a new image found at url to the dock.
---++ CSS classes
---+++ .fisheye
CSS class of the fisheye div.
---++ Example
var f = new OAT.FishEye({smallSize:48, bigSize:64, limit:200, spacing:5});
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