%META:TOPICPARENT{name="OATDOCIndex"}% ---+ drag.js Provides dragging (moving) capability for any DOM node %TOC% ---++ Functions ---+++ OAT.Drag.create(clicker, mover, optObj) Modifies element mover such that clicking and moving on clicker will cause it to move. Additional options can be specified using optObj object: * *type* - one of the constants, specifies direction in which element may be dragged * *restrictionFunction* - callback which specifies movement restriction * *endFunction* - callback to be executed when dragging ends * *magnetsH* - array of elements to horizontally snap to * *magnetsV* - array of elements to vertically snap to * *cursor* - bool, automatically adjust CSS cursor ---+++ OAT.Drag.remove(clicker, mover) Removes dragging relation between clicker and mover. ---+++ OAT.Drag.removeAll(clicker) Removes all dragging relations from clicker. ---++ Constants ---+++ OAT.Drag.TYPE_X ToBeDone ---+++ OAT.Drag.TYPE_Y ToBeDone ---+++ OAT.Drag.TYPE_XY ToBeDone ---++ Example var header = Dom.create("div"); var body = Dom.create("div"); body.appendChild(header); OAT.Drag.create(header, body, {type:TYPE_XY}); CategoryOAT CategoryDocumentation CategoryOpenSource CategoryToBeDone