%META:TOPICPARENT{name="OATDOCIndex"}% ---+ dock.js Creates a draggable system of docking elements, grouped into columns. %TOC% ---++ Objects ---+++ OAT.Dock(div, numColumns) Creates a dock inside div with numColumns columns. ---++ Methods ---+++ OAT.Dock.addObject(colIndex, content, options) Adds a new window to dock, to the column with index colIndex. This window contains content. Object options may contain: * *color* - of border & header * *titleColor* - font color in header * *title* ---++ Messages ---+++ OAT.MSG.DOCK_DRAG Sent after dock window is dragged to another position. Contains object with old and new coordinates of the window(oldX,oldY,newX,newY). ---+++ OAT.MSG.DOCK_REMOVE Sent after dock window is closed (removed). Contains the removed window object. ---++ CSS classes ---+++ .dock CSS class of the whole dock div. ---+++ .dock_blank CSS class of the blank space that appears below when dock window is being dragged to another place. ---+++ .dock_column CSS class of all dock columns. ---+++ .dock_column_n CSS class specific to nth dock column. ---+++ .dock_window CSS class of the dock window div (single item in the dock) ---+++ .dock_header CSS class of the dock window header div ---+++ .dock_content CSS class of the dock window content div ---++ Example var content = OAT.Dom.create("div"); content.innerHTML = "lorem ipsum :)" var d = new OAT.Dock("parentDiv", 3); d.addObject(0, content, {title:"Sample window"}); CategoryDocumentation CategoryOAT CategoryOpenSource