%META:TOPICPARENT{name="OATDOCIndex"}% ---+ dialog.js Simple wrapper for OK/Cancel dialog, that can contain any data. %TOC% ---++ Objects ---+++ OAT.Dialog(title, contentDiv, optObj) Creates a dialog window with title of title, puts contentDiv into it. Various options specify its appearance and behavior: * *width* - in pixels,0 = auto * *height* - in pixels, 0 = auto * *modal* - 1/0 * *zIndex* - default 1000 * *onshow* - callback to be performed when dialog is shown * *onhide* - callback to be performed when dialog is hidden * *buttons* - 1/0, whether to show OK/Cancel buttons ---++ Methods ---+++ OAT.Dialog::show() Shows the dialog. ---+++ OAT.Dialog::hide() Hides the dialog. ---++ Properties ---+++ OAT.Dialog::ok Callback to be performed when user clicks 'OK' button. ---+++ OAT.Dialog::cancel Callback to be performed when user clicks 'Cancel' button. ---++ Example var d = new OAT.Dialog("dialog", div, {modal:1, buttons:1}); d.show(); CategoryDocumentation CategoryOAT CategoryOpenSource